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Sorry about no chapter today guys, I thought it posted but apparently it didn't and now it's gone... I have to re-write it. 

So in return guys, I'm going to put prompts down below and if you want to see it then I'll write it. This is an easy way to see what you guys will request and I think that it will be easier to comment for. 

1. More angst for Jack 

2. More Seasonal friend's content

3. Denver and Callahan past? 

4. Natasha and Sam moments?

5. Jack angry 

6. Pitch angry 

7. More insight on the couples? 

8. Bonding moments between Ares and Jack or whoever you guys comment and Jack? 

9. Sad chapters? 

10. Any other ideas you guys may have!

Comment on these numbers OR you can comment anything and I'll take it in. This is just a way for me to see what you guys want to see! 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now