Manny's View

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have you ever wondered that maybe Manny did keep an eye on Jack throughout the years but never acknowledge him because he knew the boy would become something more without him? I'm watching the movie now and the scene right before Pitch shows up, with Jack on the power line talking to Manny, I wondered "what if". 

This chapter will be Manny watching Jack throughout his immortal life. Remember that in this story I've aged Jack to just turned 18. 

I'm gonna post a series of chapters here real quick but this one will be me writing what I think Manny would be watching throughout the movie. I like the idea of Jack being kept in a deep sleep by Manny in the pond until he was needed throughout time so that's how it'll start.



Manny looked down at the small town of Burgess as he watched the kids run from the dark. He ran a hand over his hair before resting his hand above his mouth. The nightmares were slowly coming back. He knew that meant Pitch was gaining energy, it meant things were slowly going back to how they were in the Dark Ages. 

He looked to the side at the frozen lake. He swallowed before closing his eyes, the images of the boy falling through the ice. Why did he save him? Why did he keep the boy in the sleep he was now? He knew why. The boy had the traits of a Guardian. He went through Jackson Overland's memories to see that he fit every box. 

He was the next Guardian that Manny was looking for. The world was becoming darker. It was losing hope, wonder, dreams, and its memories. There was nothing the other Guardians could do other than put more energy into the children. It wouldn't always work. 

Manny looked to the town back to the lake before turning to the small chest he kept on a pedestal in the watching room. He stared at the snowflake etched on the front before looking back at the pond. He turned to the mirror showing Mother Nature's castle as he watched the Seasonal meeting. 

The Winter season was failing. It was becoming uncontrollable even for Seraphina. It needed a leader. He looked back at the box before looking at the pond. He walked forward, placing a hand on the image of Seraphina. 

"I'm giving the Winter magic to the newest Guardian. He will be young. He will need to be left alone. I have plans for him." 

He watched her face turn from passive to pure anger while glaring up at him. He walked away before he could hear her anger. She wasn't mad he was bringing a Winter leader, she had asked for him to do that, but she was made he was bringing in a teenager as the one. 

Manny walked to the small box. He took it back to the mirror showing the pond. He took a deep breath before breaking the seal of the box. The room turned cold immediately. He questioned only for a second if the boy could handle this much power. The power was like the Season it connected to. Cold, uncontrollable, dangerous. The Guardian side of Jack would keep it at bay. 

He picked up the dark blue snowflake charm before allowing his power to push it through the mirror. The moon rays helped it down as it hit the ice. It went through the ice, wrapping around the boy. He watched as the Winter magic attached to the boy perfectly. 

Manny looked over to the other set of pedestals, only having two left that had boxes on them. He took the Guardian box before opening it. A small sphere of power laid in the middle. He picked it up, allowing the ball to follow the same path the snowflake did. He sensed the magic attach perfectly. 

He watched the body of Jackson Overland slowly float to the top but was shocked to see his appearance. The magic changed him. He rested his hand on the image as he watched the boy act like a baby deer taking it's first steps. He watched him kick his staff to play with the ice. A small smile broke his blank face as he watched Jack fly around, kicking off trees. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now