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Jack has been having dreams about Emma in his memories ever since he left the Warren. There's been something in his head telling him not to go back. The dreams have turned into hallucinations during the day. Who's going to help him? 


Jack watched while laughing as North sputtered with a red face as he heard the news. He watched everyone congratulate her and Sam as they all sat in the Pole. He scratched behind his ear as the hair on his neck stood up. Someone was watching him. 

He turned just in time to see the shape of a little girl. His eyes widened when he recognized the brown hair, Emma. He jumped up to follow after her. He couldn't leave her behind again. A voice stopped him short as he took a deep breath. The one that had been keeping him straight the past few days while they all were staying here. 

"She ain't really there, kid. She ain't there." 

Roy's voice filled his head. He pinched his own skin before turning back around with a fake smile. Leaving the Warren wasn't just about them not understanding him, it was also about the dreams he had been having. Every time he went to go back, a feeling would go through him not to. Like a small voice in his head telling him no. All of them were about Emma or either memories of Emma. It had started just this weekend when the dreams became reality

Emma had started showing up just out of reach from him. He hadn't tried to follow her completely, the first time he did Roy's voice caught him. The demon had been catching him each time he went to follow her. She would only show up when Lily or Natasha was around. It's what made him leave so quickly to get away from Lily because he couldn't handle seeing his sister and the mother he had now in one place. He couldn't get away from her when seeing Natasha. 

That's why he spoke to Roy before Sam left him with Nat, the day before his birthday. 

She was standing down the hall. He could see her out of the corner of his eye but Roy told him not to follow her. He couldn't do that, this was real. Something was going on but he couldn't figure it out. Did it have something to do with the nightmare sand? He needed to tell someone but who? He opened the door to distract himself. 

"She threw up about five minutes ago, I don't think she's eat-" 

"Go, I got her." Jack saw Emma behind his shoulder looking at him sadly. He tried pushing Sam out the door so he could close it. Roy's voice filled his head as the necklace glowed. 

"She isn't there, Jack. It's not real. Don't go near her."

He nodded before pushing Sam out. He felt Sam lift his head to ask what that was but he couldn't answer. 

"Jack! Isn't it exciting there's going to be a baby?" Tooth was jumping around in joy. She was already thinking about ways the baby would grow to be in this world. She went to ramble to Jack when she saw a far away look in his eye. He blinked before looking at her with a small smile. 

"Yeah, it's awesome." He walked away. Tooth watched him go as her smile fell. That wasn't about the Pooka's at all. She had heard the family drama and was happy Jack finally spoke to her just now but something else was happening. She watched him walk to Sam's side as he stood beside the happy couple. The necklace around Sam's neck lit up as Jack's eyes went distant again. 

Roy was talking to him. It made Tooth's feathers stand on end when she watched the two of them interact, even through the necklace. Her thoughts were cut off when a hand went on his shoulder. 

"So you're noticing it too?" She looked at Ares. The older male just looked blank as he always did. It was never easy reading his emotions for anything or anyone. She looked back to find Jack in the real world again as he was joking around with Marcus. It was confusing to understand what was happening. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now