Be Brave

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The second part of "History Repeats". There are some parts of this chapter that will correlate with a suggestion given to me by Meggiechan2000 . I loved her idea so I put some of hers into what I had already written which made this chapter even more awesome. 

There will be many moments of angst and sadness just like last time so be prepared :) 


"This is just for...precaution." Jack slowly looked around at the glass box. He swallowed as he glanced up to see Manny hitting him with the brightest moon light he'd ever seen. He turned back to North who was looking at him with a blank face. He was in a glass box that was sitting on the edge of the Globe room. It was spelled over four times by Sam, North, Pitch, and Manny. He was locked in tight. 

North was afraid. Jack knew that North probably didn't know he could feel his fear. He had whispered the taste thing to Pitch so none of the others knew he could sense it. They just thought he was holding the nightmares inside of him. He felt them moving around, reacting to North's fear. They didn't seem to want it though. He was realizing they were just there. 

"It won't be for long, just until we can figure out how to get them out. We will figure it out." Jack frowned, they didn't need to rush. The mare's weren't hurting him or anyone else. He turned away from his view of the window to meet the Russian's eyes. 

"You don't need to rush. I'm fine, they aren't doing anything wrong." North shifted his foot slightly. They had made the box to where it didn't show reflection. Jack didn't realize there was more yellow specks in his eyes now, the black strands spreading just a little more. His skin was becoming a light gray and somehow his hoodie was getting little black ice strands. 

Pitch had told them Jack wouldn't understand the change in the beginning but that he would soon get a feeling of wanting fear. He saw the way Jack was slowly changing his actions. He had never seen Jack tilt his head like a puppy whenever he spoke but he was. It was like Jack was slowly losing the ability to understand what he was saying. 

"We are just trying to figure it out, what happened. Do not worry. You will be able to see us from here." Jack watched him walk away to the tables as he saw everyone else working. He sighed before turning back to look out the window. He kept swallowing down the bitter taste of the room. Everyone was afraid. He shook his head as he suddenly heard a whisper. 

"You like it, Jack." He glanced to the side to see an image of Emma who spoke. Pitch had told him not to pay attention to anything that may show itself to him. That none of it was real. He looked away from his little sister, for the first time ever as he ignored her. He leaned his head against the wall as he winced. Callahan's fear was growing. He felt anger as he turned to yell. 

"Callahan!" The fairy in question quickly turned around along with everyone else. He sucked in a breath at the strong mix of yellow and blue. Jack was looking at him in distress but also anger. 

"Stop being afraid, I'm fine." Bunny sucked in a breath before turning to Pitch. He saw the man clench his jaw while looking at the books in front of them. He let a low growl come from him. If Jack could feel the fear in the room, then that meant these weren't just protective mares, these were ones who could take him over. 

"You did not tell us he could feel our fear." Ares had been quite as he looked from Pitch to Jack. He saw the actions of Jack slowly becoming the way Pitch first acted when he attacked the tribe. He acted like he was talking to something else. His grandson was glancing up at nothing before shaking his head and turning away. He looked back to see guilt covering his best friend's face. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now