Ridley Messed Up

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I saw a comment on one of my chapters from Wolfdog4954 that they were wondering if anyone else wanted to see the summer spirits get punished for how they've treated Jack. 

They read my mind as this is a chapter I've kept hidden away for a while now that I wrote for this new book. It has a lottttt of angst so be prepared :)


"We need to do something." Aster looked at Ridley as he stared out of the window. He raised an eyebrow at the angry look on his usually calm brother. They were standing in the kitchen as he cleaned the dishes from dinner. It was his turn while Lily went outside to make sure Jack was playing around with the kits. He had been having a lot of energy lately. 

"Do something about what?" Ridley tapped on the counter before looking at Bunny. Aster noticed a dangerous look in his eye from the past time in the war that made him tense. What was his brother planning to have such an angry look on? 

"Do something about the Summer spirits! It's obvious that some of them still bother him. Why haven't you done anything?" Bunny looked out the window as Jack jumped away from the kits while they all chased him around. His wife stood at the edge with the other mother's that had small smiles at their kits. 

"Because Jack doesn't want me to, he doesn't want me to get in the way. He never has really wanted us to do anything about the summer spirits. If they do something and I see it, then I fight. But I don't want Jack to not trust me with his injuries if I go after them." 

Ridley looked out the window but not at the kits. He looked at a group of teenager Pooka's that had been looking for trouble. They were friends with Jack since the boy had been around, without the kits around Jack hung out with them. He glanced at his brother as Aster kept washing the dishes, oblivious to what he was thinking. 

"So Jack has never wanted any of you to do anything about the Summer spirits or Derek?" Bunny was oblivious to what Ridley was thinking as he was scrubbing a plate off. He shook his head before speaking. 

"No he has asked us to leave the situation alone, that it isn't that bad anymore. We just help him after." Ridley slowly nodded as he stared at the teens that were waiting on Jack to get done with the kits. He was slowly forming a plan that Aster would definitely not agree with but...

Jack never said he couldn't do anything about Derek or the other summer spirits. 


The next week, hell was rained on many of the Summer Spirits and even some of the Spring ones that bullied or harmed Jack in the past. Each one either kept falling in holes that would randomly appear, poisonous plants were found in places that it didn't belong, random throwing knives or spears going for them, vines with thorns attaching to their arms or legs if they tried to run. 

Each weapons that would come from an unknown locations right near their heads would say the same thing. 


All of the Summer Spirits began to become afraid of being alone, the whole week from Sunday to Sunday becoming hell to them. On the last day of their torture, every single spirit got one letter on the spears near their heads. 

Jack Frost is off limits from now on. You are no longer to hurt him or bully him. He is protected. Do not test the limit.  

When Jack came to the Seasonal meeting at Seraphina's castle, no one came near him. He was very confused on why many members were ignoring him or literally running from him. It took Crystal explaining it to him to understand. 

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