The Last Chapter.

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*posted May 30th, 2023 (edited August 21, 2023) Any new readers continue to next chapter, this was a hard time decision.  

I've come to a decision. One that brought many tears and sadness, one that's taken me so long to decide, but I know it's for the best for me and for you. 

The day has come that I never thought would come. I know this is going to disappoint many and I am truly sorry for that. But I can't bring myself to write this story anymore when I know my heart is no longer in it.

I've lost the joy in writing this story... whenever I go to write for this book I can't come up with anything good. I end up deleting it half way through. I know that it comes from a fact that I never wanted to admit but sadly I think I've grown out of writing for Rise of the Guardians.

My love for the movie and the characters are still strong and alive but my writing is not. I can't continue writing knowing that my heart isn't in it. Whenever I've tried to write these characters, my chapters always end up way off the idea and more mature than this story is meant to be. That's another sign that my writing has become more mature for this type of writing.

It's with a very sad heart that I come to you saying what you already know. This will be the last chapter of this book.

I absolutely HATE that I can't finish this story like I want to but when I go to write nothing works. It's today that I've made the decision to write this letter to all of you. 

thank you to the readers who have followed me since the first book.

thank you to those who have supported me throughout all the funks I've gone through and stuck around to keep reading when I've felt like I was doing nothing right. 

as my bio says, I want to write something worth reading. I never thought that my writing would make this type of impact on people but I see in my comments that it does. 

You have no idea how much it means to me to see votes and comments come in even to this day. Just writing this has me in tears

I've realized through all of you that maybe I can write a good book one day. It's because of all of you that I've put work into writing a true book. I've been working on it for months now. I plan to release it on Inkitt and another Wattpad account I've created for the story. It's a new account because I want this one to stay my childhood.  

If you wish to see my journey through a real , true book, then let me know and I'll message you privately when I finish it.

down below, I'm gonna shout out some readers that have been active since the beginning and a little message to each of you: 

swedenthebest , watching you read, vote, and comment on nearly every chapter has been amazing to watch. I'm really glad you love this story.

Meggiechan2000 , you have to be the most active commenter. I don't mean that in a bad way at all, your feedback is welcomed. I know I worry you when I go MIA and a fear of yours is that I've died but no that is not true. I'm so happy that you enjoy this story and that it is one of your favorites. I'm sorry that I can no longer bring you updates. I'm sorry that I can't make your bad days good anymore.

Christopher914 , I do have to say your comments have always been funny to me. You are either commenting on the saddest part of the chapter or the funniest part of the chapter. I'll miss your feedback.

KateBishopIsBea , you were a reader that showed up and responded on nearly every chapter and I loved it even in the first book.  Your comments were always funny because you reacted in the strongest ways.

Musashi99 , I noticed your one comment when I came back after posting "Four Hours". I don't think I've ever noticed a comment from you before and if you have I apologize for scanning over it. Thank you for reading.

TriangleButterfly , I know it's been a while since I seen a comment from you but I know you're still reading. My thanks goes to everyone and especially to you. I remember your comments since the beginning. 

Angie04005 , another reader who I remember and think about when writing. I hope you still enjoy the chapters just as you did when you first found this story. 

If I've missed anyone, please know that I thank and love all you readers just the same. I can't express enough just how much of an impression you all made on me and my journey of writing. I hate that I have to leave this story behind, you have no idea but it's for the best even if it breaks my heart.

I'm so sorry,

Unknown Writer.

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