Realizing the Cruel Truth

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An idea from Ilovetoreadandwrite . The Guardians get a talk from Jack that leads them into seeing the truth behind their "ignorance is bliss" towards depression and anxiety in kids and teens of the world. 

Remember, this book is more mature than my last so there will be more truth in this one. 

How is Jack going to bring this up to them and what will he do? 


TW: mentions of suicide, deep details on depression, etc.

Jack chewed on his nails as he looked at the TV playing in the Globe room. Him and Emily finally convinced North to let them have one. Jack watched the news report go by as he felt sadness go through him. This was the third one in two weeks he had seen.

"Breaking News: Owen Daniels has been found dead from suicide after parents discover him in an overdose. Sources say that he wouldn't have made it with any help, the pills to strong to..." 

Jack felt someone sit beside him as Nick frowned at the screen. He twisted his head like he was tilting his head to hear something better. He turned back to the screen to find details on a memorial being set for the boy as he ran his fingers through his hair. Jack watched the pictures of the smiling boy surrounded by friends cross the screen. Behind that smile was struggles no one else saw. 

"Bad things happen, Jack. We can't save everyone." Pitch's words echoed in his head from a talk they had as pictures of the teen flashed across the screen. Jack knew he was right but it made him hate himself. They were Guardians and yet the others didn't allow themselves to see any of the bad that covered the world. They ignored it because it wasn't little kids under the age of ten feeling this way. But now some of them did...

"What is that? That they are saying the kid died from?" He looked away from the screen to find Denver sitting beside him now. Jack didn't even notice Nick had left. He figured that Denver wouldn't know what it was, suicide may have happened in his time but it wasn't common enough to be spoken about. He looked back to find the report gone but not Denver's curiosity. 

"Suicide. He killed himself." Denver froze in his seat as he heard the truth. The picture of the boy he just saw ran through his mind. The age 16 under the name went through his head as he looked back at Jack. His friend was just looking at him with a sad look as if he knew first hand the suicide. 

"But he- he was just a kid?" Denver said quietly as he stared at a new report but not actually seeing it. He had never heard of suicide in his life time, didn't know if it happened or not. No one here had ever mentioned it before. He turned to find Jack staring at the wall. Did Jack know anyone that had done it?

"Do you know anyone who has committed or tried?" Denver scratched the couch cushion as he wasn't sure he wanted the truth. He watched Jack look at his hands, turning them and twisting them before looking back at him with a sad smile. The sand streamer felt his body go cold at the look in Jack's eyes. 

"" Denver choked on nothing as he felt his eyes burned but Jack just stared at him with a content look in his eyes. It was a strange look of acceptance as Denver didn't know what to say. He opened and closed his mouth to find the words but ended up just turning his head, looking at the wall. What could he say?

"Do the other's know?" Jack turned his head away. No, they didn't. They knew he had done a lot to himself, thoughts, his eating disorder. They knew that. But they didn't need to know about his attempt. Or his second. His years alone were bad ones. If they knew, some of them would find a way to blame themselves for it. It was no one's fault really. Sometimes things would just go so bad, death seemed easier. 

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