One Year

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it's been a year and some of the family isn't doing well. 


"And I also have to say that Vivian, one of the fairies I named, she is doing very good with filling the spot of the second command." Callahan fiddled with the sleeve of his shirt. He glanced back up at Tooth's face that was sleeping comfortably. He didn't really think he was that good for being the head of Tooth but here he was. 

He looked down at the tube that Tooth had in her hand when she fell asleep, just a random child but they didn't know her fade would come when it did. Unlike Jack, it didn't cover her slowly. It covered her in under 5 seconds. Callahan wasn't prepared to just lose his sister to sleep like this but it happened. He wasn't prepared to watch Jack that day either. 

He remembered it like it was yesterday. Him and Denver were running in the woods to follow Jack's overwhelming energy but made it too late. They were hit against a force that came from Manny as they watched him cover Jack in bright light. It was in slow motion how they watched Jack slowly fall on his knees before the ice had covered him. 

Denver had cried. He had yelled while hitting the force as Jack fell, him being the main one who watched over Jack just because it was something he felt the need to do. Denver knew Sandy didn't get close to many people so seeing Jack made him follow him. Denver became connected to a boy who didn't know he existed at the time. 

They yelled at the moon for a while, taking turns to try to piss him off so he would bring Jack back. He remembered taking a deep breath but then realizing air actually went through his lungs. The chill in the air made him shiver which made his brain stop. Everything froze in him other than his skin. He was alive. 

It was the meet up at the Pole that made the tears start for him. He watched North meet Natasha again as both of them were way to emotional to even speak to either of them. He saw Phil activate the Northern lights and knew everyone else would be showing soon. It was Sandy who showed, immediately freezing at the sight of Denver. Then that's when the rest started. 

Pitch came next with a glaze over his eyes and Emily by his side. They both held hands behind them but he saw it. The all evil Pitch Black holding hands with someone. It was Aster who showed next, not knowing anything. He had frozen at the sight of the ones alive but it was only two seconds after that a second tunnel showed, his family appearing. That was when the room cleared of elves and yetis. 

Tooth was last somehow, her decision to work in the field that day was what made her late. He remembered his sister stopping and just staring at him for the longest time before running at him full force. They both cried.

It was almost an hour before everyone calmed down enough to talk and meet each other. It took another hour before Denver was able to say what happened to Jack. Then it took another hour for everyone to cry about that.

It took weeks for everyone to get used to them being back. Sometimes Tooth wouldn't leave his side, other days she would stay far away as possible. He didn't understand it until he remembered his sister had gained a trait from Jack. Run away till you've calmed down.

"It's getting close to the time Sandy is supposed to wake up. Then you, then North, then Bunny and Jack. Me and Andy took a bet that something would go wrong. Not wrong wrong but like, one of you wakes up out of order."

He swallowed down the emotions before turning to look at the sun than shinned through a small hole all the way down to this cave. It was no longer the sun but the moon. He knew it was time to go to the Pole now.

"I'll see you day after tomorrow like always, little sister." He got up with a kiss on her forehead before leaving. He flew across the sky at a slow pace, not really wanting to get there. He wanted Jack and his sister.

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