Ideas pt. 2

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If you like the little prompts & conversations, comment on the title name. These are parts taken out of vault chapters that I want to see which you guys would want to see first. This time many of the ideas will be AU's so you guys get ideas of totally different worldly ideas. Show me which one's you'd like first. 



"I love you." He froze as the words were spoke quietly behind him. He slowly turned to meet the gold eyes of the sand boy in front of him. He slowly clenched his fist before holding back the tears. 

"Oh really? You love me?" Denver swallowed, there was a fire in Callahan's eyes that made him look to the ground. He loved those violet eyes but right now, they were violent. He shifted on his feet as Callahan shoved him against the wall. He slowly looked up at him as the fairy yelled in his face as he was backed against the wall. 

Denver took it. He took Callahan's anger. He'd take the anger if it meant taking anything from the fairy. He let the fairy yell at him as he looked at the floor. He would take anything from him if it meant he would talk to him...


Ghost AU

"Did you hear that?" Bunny asked as his ear twitched. He looked to North who didn't hear anything. He had been feeling crazy lately from little noises and laughter around him that no one else seemed to hear. It had been happening ever since the moon shinned down on them randomly. 

"Hear what? Bunny, you are acting very strange lately." Tooth was fiddling around him like a mother hen which made him nervous. A little laugh sounded from across the room as he quickly turned to find a shadow in the corner. He got up to follow it. 

"I-I'll be back." He ignored them as he ran out the doors to follow whatever this was. He came up to the end of the hall before it flashed in the corner of his eye to a set of doors no one ever went to. They were blocked by Manny's magic but he had no choice, he had to know what that shadow was. 

The door creaked as he opened it, the room smelling old. He looked around at storage boxes and bookshelves of old spells and potions. He walked further into the room to find an empty space near the back. A random empty space. 

"Hey." He turned to the voice of a boy but there was nothing there. A cold rush went down his back. 

"Bunny." The whisper came from his left. What the hell was happening?  


Hockey vs. Football AU

"What are you gonna do about it, albino boy?" Jack flinched as the football player slammed a hand above his head on the locker. He had thought he would get past them today but he was shit out of luck. He took their words and hits as he waited for them to get done with their weekly actions. 

He waited for the hit that he knew would signal the end for today but it never came. There was a loud commotion as yelling happened. Jack looked up to find Archie Fall and Aster Bunnymund standing in the way. The hockey players stood toe to toe with the football players as they stood in front of him. 

"I think you better back the hell up before we show you just how better a hockey player is." 



"So you really want to do this? Really?" 

"Are you sure we should do this now? I mean with what's going on with Jack and then the believers going out for Tooth for a while there. Are you really sur-" 

"I've been putting off asking you for months now because of everything happening. These problems, they are small compared to what's been happening in the past. I'm done waiting. So either say yes or no. Either way...I'm putting a ring on your finger." 



"I'm not giving you a tattoo." 

"Oh come on, it'll be fine. We can do matching ones!" 

"No. I am not giving you a tattoo, end of story." 

"Kiss my ass. I'll go get him to do it then since yo-" 

"Get back here, he can't do tattoos for shit." 


Letter to Santa

"dear santa, 

I know I've never really written you a letter, mister santa but I really want something this christmas. like really, really bad. mommy lost daddy a while ago. she said he went on a vacation and I was wondering when he would come back. can you find him for me?

I think she's moving on. there's not problem really I like him. he's funny. but i miss daddy and she does too. can you just find him for me? 

i wanna at least say goodbye? 

(I asked Jackie to give you this)"

North laid the letter down on his desk as he wiped the tear from his face. He looked up at Jack who was just staring out the window. He slowly looked back at him, biting his lip while shrugging. 

"What do I say to that? What do we do for this?" Jack's whisper made him bow his head again. He didn't know how to grant this wish for Jack or the kid.


Is this love?

"I don't know what I'm feeling!" Jack looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He watched Liam pace back and forth before rounding on him. 

"You! This is your fault!" Jack's jaw dropped. 

"How is this my fault?" 

"Because it just is!" He hid his smile behind his fist as Liam pulled at his ears. He was so happy about this. 


Another One

"Manny, are you serious?"

"Yes Jack. I am completely serious." 

"I need you to stop telling me these things before they know themselves." 

"Why? You like knowing before everyone." 

"Because, now I have to look at them knowing they've been going at it recently to come to this point." 


so guys, leave a comment on the bold words on which ones you guys would want to see anytime soon? 

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