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A request from Meggiechan2000 , what if Jack gets caught up in a wildfire? what will happen, who will save him? 


Jack was sleeping went it started. He had a fight with Bunny in the Globe Room about starting a prank war with many of the other Pooka's while in the middle of busy season. Instead of taking the heat, he ran in a fit of emotions before he could freeze the whole room. He didn't understand why lately he was so on edge around everyone. 

It's been ever since the dream of him taking Pitch's place reoccurring every other night. He didn't know why or how because Sandy let him have a dream sand pendant that helped him sleep. He knew it wasn't just a nightmare then, that it was his memories playing tricks on him. It wouldn't be the first time. 

Jack was so deep in sleep after crying for so long, he didn't smell the smoke of the wildfire coming closer and closer by the minute. The wind tried howling to wake him but it knew if it moved to much that the fire would only spread wider. It knew that there was a chance Jack wouldn't be able to fly out of here. 

It watched as the fire came closer and closer, the dry ground allowing it to move faster despite no wind in the air. The winds stood still in fear for the sleeping Winter spirit down below. There was nothing they could do without risking moving the fire. To the left was a town Jack cared for that held Nicky. 

To the right, was him. 

The winds couldn't do anything but hope that another Seasonal was coming to deal with the fire before it spread to important places.  


"Jack, you have to wake up!" Roy's voice practically yelled in his head.

Jack woke up with a cough as the area around him was suffocating. He took a deep breath that made him cough even harder. 


He felt himself lock up before slowly looking around. His eyes grew wide as the trees in the distance were covered in fire. He turned sharply to see almost all the area around him was covered in a wildfire. 

He heard the wind howling in the upper sky, desperately calling for him to wake. He coughed again at the smoke before grabbing his staff. He pointed his magic towards the fire hoping to put it out but his magic didn't work. He was to weak with his complete opposite surrounding him. 

"Run, Jackson. You have to run out of here." He nodded at Roy's words before turning to go as fast as he could. He had slept through to much of the fire as the smoke had gathered in his lungs it felt like. He felt as if a rock had settled on his chest. He ran from the area but the image went through his mind over and over again. 

The fire had been so close. If Roy hadn't called loud enough to get him to wake up then he would've never woken up. He hated how deeply he slept after having emotional breakdowns. It was like a coma. He heard the trees groaning behind him as some fell from the blaze. The hand gripping his staff tightened on instinct. It would have burned his staff. He ran as hard as he could without tripping. 

"Wind! Wind, try to get me now!" He felt it come down to lift him but he stumbled, falling against a tree. There were two parts to flying through the wind that a Seasonal needed to always know. It was a two way street, the wind could carry you all around only as long as you called for it physically and mentally. 

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