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A request from Christopher914 . Lily can't get something out of her head about Jack, when was his birthday? Aster didn't know and had never asked because had never brought it up but she couldn't do that. How will Jack react to the question? 

It is a made up birthday but you guys know me, I can't help but make it sentimental with some angst. 


"You can't ask him that, we never bring it up!" Jack frowned as he heard his father yelling so early in the morning. He rubbed his eyes as he glanced to the side to see April still asleep. She had come to visit while he was grounded and apparently they had fell asleep. He looked towards the door as he heard the yelling turn into whispers that he could still hear. 

"But haven't you ever wondered? Ever been curious, Aster?" That was Lily. What were they talking about? 

"Of course I have! It was brought up once by Tooth and only once. He ran away after we asked, he never answered the question and we didn't ever ask again." They were definitely talking about him. There were many things that Tooth had brought up that he had ran from. He frowned, man he was dramatic with his running away. 

"What are they yelling about?" He turned to see April looking at him through tired eyes. All he could do was shrug as he was still in a haze of sleep to speak. He felt her head land on his shoulder as they continued to listen to the argument outside of the door. 

"It's a big deal, Aster! It's a big deal to me. I want to know, he has to remember it or else I'm going to look for it. He deserves to have one." Jack and April were so confused. It was a shock to see Lily walk through the door and it was apparently a shock to Lily and Aster to see April in his nest. He knew this probably looked compromising but was to tired to care. 

Plus, the two of them had made it perfectly clear to his parents she was only attracted to females. It was the only way she could spend time here to so late sometimes. Jack just looked at them with a raised eyebrow as he wondered what had them going off on each other this early in the morning.

He looked to his father to find Bunny looking at him and April before shaking his head, putting a hand on Lily's back but was brushed off. 

"Jack, I have a question." 

"Uh, okay. You can ask,  Mom." Lily bit her cheek as she looked from April to Jack. She had forgotten the girl had fallen asleep here last night and was now bringing up a sensitive subject to him. Aster had come in from last minute Easter preparations since it was tomorrow. Her timing was horrible but she had already started now. 

"When is your birthday?" Bunny tilted his head back, hitting the wall as he saw Jack's walls go up. He took in the way April looked at him when his body went tense. Jack had nowhere to run unless he jumped from the window. He had told her this was a strong risk to do this. Jack had ignored this question when it asked the first time. 

"I'm not sure, never really cared for it. I never had a reason to look for it. Didn't see it in any of my memories." Lily sighed as her shoulders dropped. She really wanted to know even though she knew it was a risk. She wanted Jack to have a true teenage experience and sometimes that meant a birthday party. 

"Alright, I'm sorry for bringing it up. I just wanted to know for maybe having you a birthday party?" Jack just shrugged his shoulders. Aster watched his walls stay up as he wondered if Jack was more upset than he seemed. He just looked at Lily's back as he tried to keep his slight anger contained. He didn't want her to upset him right before Easter. Jack was helping him hide eggs this year. 

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