The Story

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Alright y'all here it is, the chapter I've been itching to post since I wrote it. It's a rough one though so be prepared. But I love it so much I can't hold back from posting!

This is a song themed chapter, one that will include 3 different stories to go with the lyrics in a way that I see them. One couple in this chapter is one we all know, one that didn't last, and one we wish could've been longer.

The chapter will be long but once I heard this song I knew I had to write something. It's on my list of favorites. I hope you guys like it!

Please be warned, find the tissues guys. 

The past is where these moments come from.

The Story- Conan Gray


Let me tell you a story
About a boy and a girl

It's kinda short, kinda boring
but the end is a whirl


Eleanor hid her smile behind her paw as she watched the little Aster and little Lily arguing with each other. They had both just hit fifteen years old and had become even worse in their arguments. It was never bad, over the smallest of things. She felt deja vu from watching her own self with Ares. They spent their childhood hating each other but once they grew up it was all different. 

"I don't care! This is my sewing so go away, Aster!" 

"I'm just trying to help you!" 

"I don't need help! I am strong and independent. It's not like you can go this low, don't you have to be at training, Chief Aster?" Aster flinched as Lily practically hissed the words at him. 

Eleanor watched Lily turn around to her sewing as she ignored Aster who was still standing there, shifting from one foot to another. Her heart hurt for both of them, the upcoming chief title straining both of them. She knew her son was in love with the little girl who's fur was light grey to the point of almost white. He had been painting with bright blues for a while now which she knew was Lily's color. 

She watched her son clench his fist before looking around. Her eyes went wide when he kneeled down to her height instead of standing like a chief would, like his father was teaching him. Lily glanced at him with a glare. He slowly hopped forward once then twice while she watched. A small growl came from her when he stopped a small space away. 

"I know you are strong and independent, Lily. It's something I admire about you." Eleanor smiled as his ears turned red and went back a little. Lily's did the same.

"But I also know that you don't know how to do the triple stich but I do. So can I help before my father calls me back?" Lily looked at him for a few seconds before handing the pieces of fabric to him that she was trying to put together. He began to teach her the triple stich. Eleanor walked away with a smile. 


They were just sixteen


Aster and Lily were hiding. 

There was a festival going on to celebrate the New Year but neither wanted to join in this year. Their was something Aster needed to tell her before the year started. He saw how mad she was at the fact he had pulled her away. This was the first time they had spoke in weeks. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now