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so the last chapter ended on a happy note so I figured why not do what I'm known for and give the most angst, saddest chapter to follow it? This idea came from Meggiechan2000 , let's see how Jack would react to one of America's greatest tragedies. get ready for some tears :)


Jack Frost had seen many things in his life. 

He had seen so many good things and so many bad things. 

But nothing he had ever seen could've prepared him for seeing the death of children, ever. 

He had seen it happen more than he wanted it too. Ever since becoming a Guardian, everything that had to do with a child's death came forward ten-fold. He couldn't concept the idea of a child's death only because that's all they were. Children.

Children don't deserve to die before they get to live. 


TW: School Shootings

There's only few fears the older Guardians have as a group. Only a few things could collectively bring them to their knees in fear and hope to whatever God is out there to help them. 

They had all seen horrors the world brought as time moved, the wars, the plagues & death, etc. Everything they had seen and lived through it. There wasn't much that really got them all to fall. 

There were a lot of things that were burned into their brains. For North, it was seeing Natasha fall ill and leave before his eyes. For Tooth, it was watching Callahan die. For Sandy, it was seeing everything around him change with no control in his hands. For Pitch, it was the sight of seeing himself being taken over by the nightmares. 

For Manny? It was seeing everything. 

His life and being revolved around watching the world move with different lifetimes surrounding it. He had seen everything that could happen, happen. Nothing had ever gotten the Man in the Moon to cry. Not even all the times he had seen Jack get so close to death did he cry. 

But the sight of Jack trying to save children in a school shooting had a single tear going down his face. Nothing had ever prepared him for that.

Because the kids couldn't believe in anything else other than fear as they ran. 


That Morning
(I chose violence today...)

"Daddy always says you used to follow him to school too!" Jack laughed as Jackie Bennett jumped up and down beside him. He had decided to finally visit the little 10 year old, what better place than at school. He had went to see Jamie just in time for his old friend to tell him bullies had gotten a hold of Jackie and her friends. 

"I did. I always made the mean ones slip on thin ice in the halls." Jackie giggled but slapped a hand over her mouth as someone in class looked at her. No one could know she was talking to Jack, they would think she's crazy. Most people already did but she didn't need more words thrown at her. 

Jack watched with humor as Jackie tried to contain herself as the class filled with people. He looked up to find Milo and TJ staring at him. Jackie's friends believed in him which made him feel so much like the old Jack. The one who had just met Jamie Bennett and was feeling the rush of a young believer. 

"Hey Jack, can we go sledding today?" He looked to the quiet girl Jackie was friends with, Marylee. 

"Of course we can. Just after everyone does their homework." He laughed as all of them groaned but he leaned against the window pane as the teacher started her lesson. He kept himself busy by actually listening to her math class, he was always willing to listen to new information. He wasn't used to upperclassman as old as 16 being in the room but the school they went to merged to make an extra large building. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now