Two Ideas

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hello guys! sorry being gone so long, it was a rough end of the school year for me with all my exams but I'm back.

It's time to write something different. This is going to be just a little teaser of two chapters I have in progress that still need work on. I need you guys to really tell me what you think... 


A New Emotion

Jack leaned against the wall while taking a deep breath from laughing so hard. He had been watching Nick and Noah wrestle in Mother Nature's fields. They all had been playing around all day, just relaxing. Jack hadn't really been hanging around anyone for long amounts of time as he needed a break from everyone with everything that had happened recently. He cleared his throat before he felt someone staring at him. 

He turned to find Archie staring at him. The spring spirit had been doing that a lot, watching him with a look he didn't recognize in his eyes. He tilted his head at him before the other smiled bright at him. He only had a few seconds to shout before the other jumped him. They wrestled around just like Nick and Noah before Archie pinned him down. 

"Gotcha, Frosty." Jack laughed in his face before flipping him with a trick learned from Ares. He was now the one pinning him. They laughed with each other before Jack recognized their position. He swallowed before meeting the lighter green eyes underneath him. Archie's eyes were on him with a slight smile still on his face but there was something else there. Jack swallowed again as his friend looked down towards his mouth. 

"Jackie-" Whatever he was going to say was cut off as Callahan came from nowhere. He lifted Jack by the hoodie before glaring down at Archie. The spring spirit glared right back before Jack felt himself being lifted away. 

"You're not his keeper, Callahan! We were just wrestling." Callahan let out a harsh laugh before pushing Jack back but looked towards the other still on the ground. 

"Say that to your pants, pretty boy. Stay away from Jack Frost." Jack's jaw dropped as Callahan dragged him away. He looked at the stricken look on his friends face before fighting against the fairy. He had never had one of his Seasonal friends be told to leave him. He didn't win as Callahan dragged him through a snow globe portal. 

"Callahan, what the hell!" 

"Shut up." Jack's jaw dropped as he stepped back but Callahan came towards him. He didn't get far as the other grabbed his head, pressing into his temples. A light flashed behind Jack's eyes before memories that weren't his own entered his head. 

Denver ended up on top of Callahan as they fell, his hands landing on each side of his friends head. He sat up to find the gold and purple had met and couldn't break apart. One of his legs had ended up between the sand weaver's as both of them stopped breathing.

"Cal." Denver couldn't help but whisper. He watched his friend swallow before shaking his head, opening and closing his mouth. He didn't know how Callahan felt about him.

Jack tried to jump back but Callahan gripped his head tighter. 

"HAHA, stop, stupid fairy!" He laughed as he flew down again to put dirt on Denver's head. They had been relaxing when the sand boy decided to throw dirt on him which led them to now. The smile on his face made his heart beat just a little faster as he turned to do it again. He frowned, where did he go?

"Gotcha." He turned just in time for Denver to tackle him to the ground. It always made him hold his breath when the boy was sitting over him, his gold eyes only on him.

"Not so brave now, huh?" Callahan blushed with a glare.

Jack finally yanked away to lean against the wall. He took deep breaths before looking up at the fairy. There was anger and hurt in those purple eyes that stared down at him. 

"We were just wrestling too, Jack. That's how it starts." Jack's eyes went wide before he shook his head. 

"W-We're just friends. He knows that, he's one of my bestf-"

"Bestfriends? Yeah, we started out as that too. Remember?" Jack choked before staring at his fairy friend. 

"I'm just protecting you, Jackson. Denver and Archie act similar sometimes when it comes to their emotions. I don't want to see your heart like mine." 

Jack knocked his head against the wall as Callahan walked away. 

Jack's jaw twitched as he looked into his memories to see that him and Archie had been acting differently the past week. He swallowed before looking at his hands. What was happening? 


The Beauty of Darkness

Death stared into the darkness of the night as he ignored every call for him. He had Reapers to do the jobs for him. He looked down at his hands. He remembered a life before this, one filled with laughter and happiness. The only happiness in his life now was Jack and his antics. He sometimes regretted taking the job of Death. He released a breath before tensing, someone was there. 

"Who's there?" He didn't look back, he just asked the air. He heard someone walk up beside him before glancing over at the person. He rolled his eyes before looking back out at the sky. 

"You act like your father with all the sneaking around." Seraphina laughed before sitting down beside him. He clenched his jaw before looking over at how the moon's light covered her face. She turned to him with a look in her eye that should never be faced towards him. 

"Tell me about what happens in your head." Death shook his head before looking back over the skyline. He had only ever given Jack a glimpse into what really happened in his head with the job he had. Death wasn't prepared when Sera's hand touched his head, jumping back, but she had no hesitation in trying to do it again. 

"You'd be surprised at the dark things I've seen in my life. You deserve someone else other than Jack in your corner." 

Death blinked before staring at the literal Mother of Nature. How could he say no when she was looking at him like that? 


so what do you guys think? Would you want to see where these go or is this pushing any limits? 

I'm back to taking requests if you guys want to see anything at all, I'm open to any ideas. 

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