New Guardian

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A happy chapter to make up for the past few sad & angsty ones :) 

Manny speaks a lot in this chapter so be prepared for a lot of italic words. 


Jack was still grieving from Grace as he hovered over Seattle. He had spent a few days of doing nothing but sitting and staring into nothing before he got up. He gave his word he wouldn't grieve her for to long. The weight of the ring on his hand carried throughout the days but it wasn't a bad weight. It was a reminder that he had saved someone at a point in their life. 

"You're the first person who ever made me feel okay for not being okay. It's what you do best. You made me feel like I belonged. I love you, Jack Frost. Thank You." 

Her words bounced around his head since she spoke them. Did he really have that big of an impact on his believers he saved? He sighed before looking up at the sky as the clouds cleared. Manny shinned down on him with a comforting feeling. He felt a conversation coming on, Jack went to land on a rooftop to a hotel. 



It was silence. There was no awkwardness in it as they sat in peace with Jack watching the sky line. The lights of everywhere shinned in the dark of the night. 

Jack frowned at a new feeling filling the area around him. He looked up at the moon to find the light shinning brighter on him with a warmer feeling surrounding him. He felt a shiver down his back when it began to get a little to warm. 

"Manny, what are you doing?" 

"I'm showing you something. Close your eyes, Jackie." He flinched a little at the sudden nickname. He let his eyes slip shut as the warmth went across his face. He felt the pressure in his head as Manny entered it but another voice came in. 

He watched the moment he saved Nicky from his abuser rush through his head. He watched the moment he met Alex when he found the boy sitting on the sidewalk with his hands over his ears to hide from the parents yelling. He watched himself meet the triplets when they were all running from bullies in their town. He watched himself save Grace off the bridge. 

Jack watched as he saved many of his believers from situations where they felt alone or gave up, where they were stuck in a family or friends situation that made them feel horrible, where the kid felt that being themselves wasn't okay. He watched himself change their lives and make them happier just by visiting them. 

"You are not only the Guardian of Fun, Jackson. You bring new life and hope into the certain kids you meet. There is a reason I say that you are more of Aster's son than you think. You bring them a type of Hope he can't." Jack stared at the sky line with the new words on his brain. 

"B-But I'm the Guardian of Fun. Bunny is the Guardian of Hope, I can't take that!"

"That's not what I'm saying. You bring a different type of Hope. Bunny has said many times that he can sense hope in everyone and he brings hope through Easter. But you? You bring the kids hope that isn't in Easter. Think of all of those kids, including yourself, as the lost boys. You are all lost with struggles that took you over. You bring them new life , Jack.

Jack picked at his staff as Manny talked. He swallowed before shaking his head, this was a lot of weight on his shoulders. He brought his finger to his mouth to chew on his nails. 

"If it wasn't for you, Nicky would've been killed that night." Jack's head shot up to stare at the planet in the sky that held the man. There was a horrible chill down his back now at the pure thought of Nicky not being alive at all. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now