Nightmare but Make It Awkward

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A request from a reader that wishes to stay anonymous, 

We all know that Bunny and Lily are adults so they are going to do "adult things" together, every kid has had at least ONE incident where they walked in on their parents doing something intimate. 

What if Jack does it on the night of a really bad nightmare? What will happen then? Who will be the one to comfort him then?


Pitch was in the middle of a nap after working in the field when he felt something pulling on him mentally. He took a deep breath before allowing himself to follow whatever was pulling him. There were only a few people who could call to him like this, mostly Sandy or Aster, so he had to make sure this wasn't them calling for help.

He was in Jack's head. Pitch didn't know how considering he didn't know Jack could call out to someone mentally. He could feel the slight chill that he always got when he entered the boy's head before. However, this time it seemed he was in one of Jack's nightmares. Pitch easily recognized the fields in which the Pooka's used to use on their planet. He looked around as the old world he knew before he became the Nightmare King was overrun by the nightmares and him.

The scene hazed for a second before it turned into Mother Nature's fields but the same situation. He went to call out for Jack to see if he had changed it but a voice stopped him.

"Chief we-" Pitch sucked in a breath as he heard the same words from the day he killed Ares. He turned to find that instead of Charlie, it was Marcus, the leader of Summer. Everyone in the original moment was replaced by someone in Jack's Seasonal life.

Charlie was Marcus. Ares was Archie. Ridley was Andy. However in the place of Aster, it was Nick. He looked around to see where Jack was fitting in at. He was sure Jack would've been in Aster's place. He didn't see the boy anywhere which didn't make sense.

Marcus's yell made him look back up but what he saw made himself feel fear. Jack was in his spot as the Nightmare King. The picture that made him freeze because of Jack's black hair, grey skin, and yellow eyes. He felt a chill go down his spine at the image.

"Jack." Archie spoke like as Ares and Jack spoke like him.

Pitch watched the scene up until the moment when the sword went through Archie. The words once spoken to him came out of Archie's mouth to Jack.

"Even under their control, can you still stomach the fact that you've killed me?"

Pitch woke up with a start, shooting up in the bed. He struggled to catch a breath as he reeled inside of his head. Was that why the nightmare called out to him? 

He looked over at the clock on the wall. It was past 3:30am.

He needed to get to Jack as soon as possible. 


Jack shook as he tried to rid his mind of the images from the nightmare. He didn't even want to think about what he saw. He had decided to go to sleep early to rid himself of a headache he was having but now had an even worse one. He had even taken pain meds for it to try to get even deeper sleep. He needed to talk to Bunny about going to Pitch to talk. 

He was grounded for the first time in a long time but it was deserved. He had slipped earthworms into some of the other "teenage" kits sandwiches that had been bullying Elliot in the fields. He could've done way worse but decided against it because of what could've been the punishment then. 

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