A Christmas Letter

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So im writing this on my phone currently at a Christmas party myself and there's a little boy here who was telling me all about what he got for Christmas. He told me that he wrote 2 letters for Santa: one for Santa himself and the other was for his Grandma.

I asked why he hadn't given it to this Grandma yet and he says, and I quote with tears in my eyes, "We go to her stone tomorrow to bring her the letters. She has a box beside her rest spot." I was then told by his mother that the Grandmother had died not even 2 months ago.

This chapter came to my mind as he was walking away. It's a sadly wholesome chapter. It will be just a short one.


"North, more letters. One is specific to you." North rolled his eyes, all of them were specific it was Santa letters. He took the one Natasha handed him while he smiled at little Emma on her hip. The babies were doing good and he had never been happier than when he saw his sister finally get her dream of twins.

He looked down at the letter to find out what she meant. He ran his hand over the writing with a sad sigh. There was a feeling he had towards certain letters. The children held emotions so strongly when they wrote to them that sometimes he could feel it too.

He opened the letter to a picture falling into his lap. It was of a little boy and an older woman in a rocking chair. He looked at how they were both reading "The Night Before Christmas". He smiled before looking at the card itself. The hand writing was definitely child like with it written in crayon. He looked at the little drawings of snowflakes all over the page. 

North took in a deep breath as he prepared himself. He could tell with the picture and the emotions attached to the words that this would be a hard one. 

"Dear Santa, 

I want to start out by saying I do not want many gifts this year. I would like a new bookcase. A new set of Legos. And a new baby doll for my sister. She wants one of those big dolls. There is another thing I want. Mommy says that it is to big of a question to ask but I think I will ask anyways. Is there anyway you can get me to see my Grandma one last time? Mommy and Daddy say she went on vacation but I heard my Aunt crying about heaven and her. So the biggest thing I want this year is to see her. 

Thank you,
p.s. I got my friend to help me write this. I do not know how to spell well.

North wiped the tear that fell as he folded the pages back into the envelope. He picked the picture back up of the boy and his Grandma. He had gotten some letters like this before and always did the same thing for them. He picked up a block of ice before finding the small pick. He sat the picture up to see it better. 

He had to leave in five hours for Christmas delivery, he had work to do.


Death didn't get summoned by North very much. It was very rare to get called on by him, especially since it was Christmas night. He ran his hand down his face as he looked over to Seraphina who was laying on his arm. They had fallen asleep in the fields again. He looked around at the differences in their areas. His side was dead grass and leaves, the trees darkened by his magic. Her side was brighter with the plants glowing with life. Yet somehow, she chose him to be with. 

He slowly pulled his arm out from under her but failed at not waking her. She rolled over to look at him with sleepy eyes. 

"North is calling him, I got to go." She nodded before squeezing his hand in goodbye before going back to sleep. He smiled as her magic covered the area, forming a cocoon of vines that protected her. He stood up with a big stretch before brushing off the leaves off his shirt. He closed his eyes as his magic covered him, transporting him through shadows to the Pole. 

Death made eye contact with North as the man just held out a picture, a letter, and a freshly made snow globe. He took all the three as he quickly scanned over the letter then the picture. He shook the snow globe to see North had made the picture come to life in the globe. He couldn't help but smile, North's ability to bring wonder like this way amazing. 

"What did you call me here for? It looks like you got it covered. Aren't you supposed to be leaving?" He watched North pick up a newspaper. He looked at the article that was circled with a frown. It was the obituary for the Grandmother. He sighed as he read that it was a sudden death in her sleep. There was no time for goodbyes. 

"I want you to see if she's moved on or if there is a way she could visit him in his dreams with the help of Sandy. It's Christmas." Death rubbed his jaw. He didn't usually do favors like this when it came to letting a child see one of their family members after death. However, sudden deaths got to him in situations like this. He nodded. 

He stood with the elves, yetis, and Sandy as they all watched him leave out to deliver presents. He looked at the gold man beside him as they collectively decided to leave then.

Death and Sandy went to the address for the boy. They both looked in the window to find him sitting by the door with it cracked as he peeked down into the living room, most likely looking for Santa. He looked at Sandy for help. He watched the magic of the dream sand as it went through the window to wrap around the boy. 

He watched as the little one slowly slid down the door frame in a deep sleep. Both of them went through the open window as he watched the Sandman pick the boy up and carry him to bed. He waited by the window as he closed his eyes, looking for the soul of the older woman. He felt himself rushing through time to look for her. 

She was already there. He blinked to find her standing by the bed, smiling at Sandy. It seemed he already explained it to her while he was looking for her. She placed a hand on his shoulder as dream sand wrapped around her wrist to his temple. He watched as a dream played out above the boy's shoulder of the Grandmother and the boy reading the book one last time. 

Death watched her walk away after the dream ended right up to him. He watched her smile at him, big and bright, with a hand coming to his shoulder. 

"I went to find you earlier to ask you if this could happen but found you asleep. Don't let her go, boy." He raised an eyebrow at her but couldn't help the flush that covered his neck. 

"I'm older than you." She smiled bigger at him. With a pat on the shoulder, she went towards the door with Sandy by her side. They were going to visit the other children and parents one last time through their dreams. 

Death sighed before turning towards the window. He looked up to the moon as Manny smiled down at him. It was moments like this that reminded him of what magic could really do for others. He looked back at the boy. 

"Merry Christmas, kid." 


I hope everyone had a good Christmas! I have a New Years chapter coming up that will be a long one that I hope to involve as many couples I've created as possible. 

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