His Believers

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This chapter will have moments between Jack and some of his believers that will lead up to an emotional situation between some of them.  Some of the moments will be educational, others will be very emotional.

There will be different believers who will not be mentioned again, there will be other who will, and some others you already know.

Also, a part of this will be a request from Meggiechan2000 about bringing back more information from the shooting chapter. 

Yes. The moments will have second hand embarrassment. But I think it's these conversations that need to be had. 



"How did you deal with your first...moment." Jack blinked away from the TV screen to Alex. The boy was staring at his hands in embarrassment. He looked as the usual confident 12 year old boy's face was red like North's sleigh. He waited for Alex to get his words together. 

"Like when you first got, you know." He watched him wave his hand around. Jack watched the way Alex ignored his eyes and just kept moving his hand around. He was even more confused. He watched the boy huff in irritation before he got up to his bed. Jack frowned as he leaned under it to pull something out. 

Alex tossed a magazine on his lap. Jack's eyebrows shot up at the sight of the magazine. He knew what Playboy was, he had watched that era of time. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Now he understood what the boy meant. He looked at the boy who was glaring outside of his window. 

"Are you asking me what I did or are you asking what to do in general?" Jack tried his best to keep his face blank. He had to be careful in this conversation. He actually remembered this type of conversation with his own father. To him, communication like this was good between a son and someone so that he doesn't turn to other things. 

"I'm just- like am I doing things right, do I need to be doing things different, do I-" Jack put a hand up before Alex could keep going. He could see this was just embarrassing him more to the point where he wasn't making sense. Jack looked to the magazine as he thought about it. 

"When I was your age, I figured out what to do in general by myself but I did ask my Dad what it meant and what was actually going on." Alex looked at his hands as he leaned against the desk. 

"Well I don't have a Dad to help me." Jack sighed before he threw the magazine back in the shoebox. He looked at Alex while scratching his jaw line. How did he go about this? He had never been in the situation where he needed to give someone else a talk of any kind. His biological father and Bunny had given him all the talks he needed, he never really saw himself having to give one.

"I don't want you to feel like you can't ask me things. I'm not going to share exactly what I did because that's to much information but I can tell you some things about what you're feeling." 

Thea walked down the hall ready to shower from spending all day with Liam when she heard Jack's voice. She peeked in Alex's room to see Jack leaning beside her brother. She could see the embarrassment on his face as he nodded along to Jack's words. She tilted her head, listening to the conversation she could hear.

"You shouldn't be afraid to do anything about it, it's human nature to masturbate, Nicky. Even animals do it. I've literally seen monkeys get off on themselves." She smiled as Alex laughed till he bent over. She watched Jack smile from the use of his facts and the way he made Alex something other than embarrassed. 

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