Fatherly Instincts

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This chapter is an old one, one that was supposed to go in my old book but I decided against it there. I won't be posting for a while after this one because of my trip this weekend but I will get the next chapter up asap because of how this one ends :)

A mistake is made after North, Denver, and Sam messes up a spell that they were working on. Jack takes the aftermath. What happens when all of them realize the truly messed up situation they've created? Especially when it may end in Pitch and Bunny against each other despite what they really know. 


"I don't think that's right."

"I think it is." 

"No, I agree with him on this one Nick. Don't think that's it." 

"You are supposed to be on my side, Denver, not his!" 

"Just because you're still not over your sister being in love with him does not give you permission to be ignorant towards what we are working on. Go over the list again because I think it's wrong." 

"I just love watching the interactions between you guys." The three men glared at Jack in their own way as he just gave a big smile. He was sitting on the chair in front of the large desk as Sam, Denver, and North worked on some type of spell that would help during rogue nightmare attacks. He wasn't really paying attention when they were talking about it. 

Jack was still grounded but this time from being sassy towards some of the adults in the tribe. He had been acting out recently, showing everyone he wasn't just some child. He was acting like a teenager. Who knew it would come back to bite him in the ass?

"I'm serious, Nicholas. I don't think that's right." Jack gave a shocked look at Denver. It was weird hearing North's full name being used but it made Jack know this was serious. He watched North take a breath before looking over the list again. Sam was mixing something as Denver supervised. Jack was here for the entertainment. 

"It doesn't say it couldn't be used, it just says to be careful with other substitute ingredients." Jack watched a look given between Sam and Denver before Sam stopped working. 

"Then we need to stop working until Pitch and his friend get here because we can't risk messing this up." Jack watched North argue with them a little bit longer before he looked down at his own little spell book he had. Manny had actually been teaching him on the side because he told Jack he didn't trust North teaching him the right things. It made him laugh. 

"Nick, don't!" Jack felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up when he heard the slight bit of fear in Denver's voice. He felt the moonlight hit his back as Manny whispered for him to get out of the room. He looked up to find that the three men had shot back from the table as the bowl with the potion in it looked alive. He saw a blanket of dream sand cover Denver in protection before he could help him. 

"JACK MOVE!" Jack could only stare as whatever it was exploded in his direction, the bowl had fallen over towards him. He felt his skin feel as if it was burning but he felt no heat. Jack didn't move as a light covered him. He heard Manny's voice telling him just to stay still and breathe. Who knew the Moon would be his therapist right now? 

The light went down as Sam let his arms down. Denver had covered them in sand as it went off, not having any time to cover Jack. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. His eyes immediately went to tracking Jack when he stopped. He heard North let out a string of Russian words that definitely weren't kid friendly. Denver said something in a different language too. 

He could only stare. 

"Aster's gonna kill us." 

Jack didn't understand why they looked so shocked. He didn't feel any different so what was the problem? He felt the moon light still on him as Manny was still comforting him. Jack suddenly flinched when loud noises echoed from the workshop. He frowned, how did he hear that? The smell of peppermint and cookies hit him harder than usual as he coughed. What the hell? 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now