Into the Storm

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An idea given by Meggiechan2000 she mentioned this song an idea in the second part of "History Repeats". When I listened to it, I can see where it could go with Elliot and Jack but my mind took over and went to someone else. I thought of another song to go with Elliot and Jack so I hope you are okay with your song going with a  chapter for Pitch and Jack. 


If you're far from home
Broken on a lonely road
Helpless when the sky explodes
Then I need you to know

Pitch sat on the icy hill beside the statue in the Artic as he held his head in his hands. It had been six years since the Guardian's defeated him and his own nightmares still fought him. He was in pain and alone. His spirit was weighing down, he couldn't do this anymore. There was no way to kill fear but there was a way to get rid of himself through the magic he knew. He flinched at a mare that came forward to nip at him. There was so many surrounding him but he couldn't fight anymore. 

A blast of cold air went beside him, making him jump. He didn't move as one bit into him like it was holding on to him from something. 

"Let him go!" He recognized the voice, feeling hatred for it. He couldn't deny the tiny bit of relief as he felt all of the mares finally leave him be for the first time in weeks. He clenched his fist in his hair as he turned away from the colder air which meant the boy was closer to him now. He heard the boy fighting some of the more stubborn mares but from what it felt like he was winning. 

There was silence for a while. He finally felt a bit of peace from the pain they gave him, ignoring the boy standing a few feet from him. He let the anger control him as he lifted his head to insult him. Get him to go away. The nightmares inside wanted to hurt the boy so his thoughts gave himself energy, just not the good kind. 

"Come to gloat? Hit me yourself?" He heard silence. Did the boy leave? He tried not to but couldn't help but glance in the area. He blinked when he saw Jack Frost sitting like he was, his chin on his knees as he stared into the space outside of the cliff. The boy was just sitting there in his own peace. Pitch clenched his jaw before copying him. 

"The alarms went off signaling nightmares. I volunteered to come. I was in Burgess a few days ago, to see Jamie and the others..." Pitch heard his voice fade off. He shifted before looking over, freezing when the blue eyes were staring at him so deeply he felt like Jack was looking at his soul. 

"I heard your screams from the hole. You were screaming for them to stop. Do you remember?" Pitch blinked. He remembered screaming but didn't know anyone could hear. He turned away from him. 

"Why were you even close to the opening? What purpose would you have to come anywhere near me other than to gloat like the rabbit or russian would do?" There was silence for a while as the shadow wondered if Jack was silently agreeing with him. 

"You were right." His head snapped to Jack as he heard the whisper. Jack was messing with a string on his sleeve as he sighed, speaking in a quiet voice. 

"I was alone for a long time. They never once recognized me before now, before the calling from Manny. I was an annoyance, a waste of space, the ice spirit everyone threw around. I didn't have a place until now. We are the same but different. You were right when you said I longed for a family. I have it now...I think." 

Pitch tensed when Jack's eyes met his. He saw an emotion he couldn't recognize and it made a part of him from long ago wake up. That made him flinch. The mares inside of him started fighting back, fighting against that part of him to tear it down again. He glared at Jack. 

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