The Life of...

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A vault chapter. It's a short one. There will be a series of "The Life of..." which I already have written. It will be a big memory of their past that represents something that affects them now. 

The back story into one of our favorites. A sad one but there's a surprise from his background :) 

There will be French in this chapter. 


This loss was kind of like death. That's a question on if I need to start thinking about where I'll go after this. 

"What are you thinking about, buddy?" My father stood above me with a small smile as he bent down beside me. I was laying down on the grass beside our house as the clouds moved across the sky. It was peaceful to see the blue skies mixed with the fluffy white clouds. Peaceful. A rare word in a world like ours, huh. 

"Life and death." He saw his father lay down beside him with a sigh. They laid there and watched the clouds. There was a noise from the house that he ignored once again. There was a sad vibe coming from his father, he knew why. They were just ignoring it. 

"You shouldn't be thinking about that. It's to early for a little guy like you to think that deep." He would agree but the tone of the man's voice kept him from speaking. He was out here to ignore what was going on inside just like his father was now. They were both ignoring it. 

His father was checking on him after his panic attack from earlier. They were happening more and more frequently ever since the night. 

"You're thinking to hard, mon fils ."  He sighed before listening to the sounds of talking in the house. His grandparent's voices were the loudest as they spoke with the other family members. He tilted his head at a big bird that was flying above them. It was probably a hawk. It was near rabbit season after all. 

"Do you think they are there?" He knew his father was staring at him. It was the first time he had really talked in the past few days. It was hard to talk for him after what happened. The memories moved through his head many times when certain noises would happen. He watched the bird fly in circles before a hand was moving his hair. 

His father's hair was a mess. There were darker colors under his eyes from lack of sleep. He hadn't noticed but his father had gotten thinner in only the few days. He had noticed this morning that he definitely had. 

"It's time, kiddo. We have to go." He looked back up at the sky to see the clouds had moved faster. He missed the one that looked like a bunny move. He felt his Dad lift him up. It was yet another moment he had lost from being in his own mind. He had never had a problem with day dreaming before until now. 

They walked to the carriages that waited for them in front. It was given to them by the king for this day, a special gift for the sacrifice made. A sacrifice that should've never happened but life never was fair to him. 

They arrived in the crowded place. He frowned, she wouldn't have liked this. Neither of them would. There was a center place were he saw the royals standing. Why did they have to be here? It was their fault but no one could really blame them could they? It's not an irregular thing that the royals get away with dirty conflict. Battle losses. 

He stood infront of the three holes in the ground. They were six foot deep and dark. Scotty wouldn't like it. He couldn't tell Dad because there was nothing that could be done. You couldn't put a nightlight in a grave. 

"Today, we are gathered here to grieve the loss of three members of the Fall family..." He zoned out as the preacher spoke. It hadn't set in yet. He hadn't cried. Just many, many panic attacks. He didn't remember if he cried during those and if he did, he didn't count it. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now