Bunny Almost Kills

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this is a chapter from the vault of old, hidden, chapters I have. It is sad and a lot of angst... An old character has came back to help out. 

but the next chapter will be straight fluff :)


Manny's View

Manny looked down at Jack as the boy sat on the edge of the Antarctic cliff that once held him long ago. He didn't really know what had him running this time but that's what Jack was doing. Running. He hadn't checked in on the Pole or the Warren to see if anyone was talking about why Jack was sitting on the cliff with tears in his eyes and down his face. He didn't want to speak just yet. 

His body went tense as he saw Jack stand up, looking down at the ice cold water down below from the ice melting. The boy had dropped his staff beside him instead of holding it as he looked down at the waters. Manny felt something go down his spine as he felt dread cover his body. Jack didn't look like himself as he was looking at the waters. 

"Jackson?" He watched him jump as the boy's head snapped up to him, the tears finally being fully shown. The tracks covered his face as Manny held his breath. He was waiting for Jack to say something but he did nothing other than sit back down. 

"Jack, what's going on?" He waited. And waited. It had to be over an hour before Jack finally spoke. 

"I screwed up." Manny didn't speak as he took note from Aster's book. He had heard Bunny speaking about how he had a new plan on making Jack take the time to speak before he said anything. 

"I-I messed up. It's my fault, it's all my fault. He kicked me out. H-He made me leave."

Manny couldn't do anything as Jack started sobbing from his mistake. He took a deep breath before turning around, he needed to look into something else for a second. 

The window into the Warren showed everyone frozen but he didn't need everyone else. He was looking for Aster. He didn't want to believe Bunny would kick Jack out. He waved his hand over the clear window for it to find Bunny standing behind Ares as he was holding him back. His ears were bent, his fur fluffed out, and for once in a few times Manny saw his claws out. He had only seen that during very fighting times. 

"You better back up further before I kill, I swear to God I will fu-"

"Aster! Stop!" Manny watched Ares push him further before noticing it was them holding him back as hard as they could. It took him another second to find Sandy's sand wrapped around Bunny's waist. Another strand was wrapped around Pitch's waist who was being held back by Liam and Denver. 

Manny noticed that one of the other male Pooka's, an elder it seemed like, was the one the anger was directed to. He took in how everyone was glancing between both of them, standing far away from whatever was happening. 

"How dare you yell at my kit, MINE! Not your child! And you didn't even think before yelling, you didn't THINK before yelling at my son to realize it was YOUR KIT who messed up the paints! Jack has been here way longer than any of you and he knows the paints like he knows the back of his own hand. So explain to me where you think it was okay to yell and tell my kit TO LEAVE HIS OWN HOME!" 

Bunny was snapping his teeth at the male, the sand around his waist pulling him back further as Ridley joined in on holding him back. Manny took in how Aster unknowingly stomped his foot which made everyone flinch, even his own father. He noticed how Bunny was fighting against everything to get to the other male. 

He was sure that if Aster got loose he would kill the man. He knew that at this moment nothing would be able to stop Bunny from doing anything irrational towards anyone. He was even more sure of that as a portal opened up for North to rush forward, who immediately took Ridley's spot with no question. It was now North and Ares with the help of dream sand holding him back. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now