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Hello readers, this is the writer's friend. 

She's fallen into a bad place mentally & emotionally as a big breakdown took her out last night. I'm helping her to get through school without harming anything from now on but I'll be honest I am afraid for her. I think she may be relapsing but I'm not sure in which area. I know it's bad enough she has stopped writing and that just isn't her. 

I came on here to say that some of you may not care since this is just a story and you're looking for updates because I know that happens on this app but from what I've seen, many of you really care about the author in general. I ask that whatever you believe in to send some prayers mine and her way because I've always been afraid of her relapses. I also wanted to tell you all since I can see you care and didn't want this to just go radio silent. 

There won't be anymore updates until further notice. 

If there's anything you may want to say for her to see when I show her next, you can leave it in the comments. 

*Answering comments that I've seen: 

Angie04005 : I do think Crystal's story is coming next from what I'm seeing the order of the saved chapters. 

Moondragonice : There is the next request from Ilovetoreadandwrite about seeing some of Jack's believers. If you have a request, you can leave it here. 

Christopher914 : I've saved your idea about Jack and "wings" with your latest request. She'll see it when she is okay. 

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