Connecting Dreams

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The cliffhanger was left at big question, did I let Jack die or not? No. Have I made a chapter that will make a new storyline? Yes. 

There's gonna be two leaders of this chapter you wouldn't expect :) It's time to bring in some believers to lead...

*I'm changing the believer, Alex, age to the same as Nicky which is 11 now. Yes, I will being using russian google translate because I want their conversation to seem more real. The translation will be in ( ).

There's going to be a slight parallels so maybe you guys will catch it :)


Two Months Later



Alex, the little russian boy, looked out his window at the snowflakes. They weren't special anymore. All of them looked the same. He caught a handful before bringing his hand back in. The three he caught had no big difference. There were only small differences. It wasn't his snowflakes. He looked out to the moon that was barely showing this early in the morning, he kept repeating the words that were said to him.

Do you stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?

He hadn't seen Jack in two months. He thought it was because his family was visiting his grandmother in Scotland but Jack would've found his note by now. He felt empty without the older boy coming to see him every other day. He needed him. A loud noise came from downstairs before the yelling started. His parents were arguing again, who woke up this early and started arguing. He turned to the window to watch the clouds cover the moon again. There was no dream sand in the sky anywhere either.

Alex knew what to do. He needed to find Jack himself. He quickly got up, grabbing the backpack in the corner that was still packed up with clothes and other necessities before leaving the room.  

He got up to go to his sister's room. She was older than him by six years but she could do what he needed. He opened her door to find her about to lay down. She must've seen it on his face because her expression became serious. Thea was grown now and pretended she hated everything but Jack had told him it would fade in time. 

"что случилось?" He twisted his hands before adjusting his backpack. He took a deep breath before looking her in the eye. He had to get her to believe in him. She was his way to get to the woods. 

(what's happened?)

"Мне нужно, чтобы ты отвез меня в шотландские леса через город. Мой друг потерялся, и он мне нужен." Her eyes widened, Thea was confused. Alex didn't have any friends around here but the look on his face was to serious to ignore. She had never seen him so determined about something. 

(I need you to take me to the Scottish woods through the city. My friend is lost and I need him.)

She looked towards the door when a loud yell came from their parents. She looked back at him to see he was gripping a snowflake charm. A threat came from him that if she didn't take him, he would go by himself and she couldn't let that happen. 

"Скажи мне, кто друг." Alex huffed before walking towards her. He pulled out a small picture that he had taken of them when Jack took him on one of their trips. They had the popsicles while sitting on the Empire State building. It was a chill Spring day when he took him so it was comfortable for both of them. 

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