Taking Care of a Baby

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*sorry readers, I forgot to post her update today. an update is she's been told to focus on rest for the rest of the week as her coughing as gotten worse. down below is her words so enjoy everyone.

We get to see everyone take care of a baby Jack. We also get to see everyone reflect on something or someone in their life. 


"Oh this is going to be great." Pitch rolled his eyes. Time had a sick twist in humor. This was many things but great. When the sand fell, he felt the fear of the Pooka's rush through him as they saw what he was holding. The little baby Jack was amazed by the sudden bright lights and color around him. He had no idea where he was, who he was, or who anyone around him was.

Jack Frost had been turned into a 2 year old. 


Everyone had finally settled down as the women all took control of their own men. Jack was oblivious as ever to what was going on as he had no idea of anything. All he knew was he was in the arms of a fairy. The boy fairy kept smiling at him which made him giggle. 

"This is the best thing ever." Callahan was playing with the baby Jack as he was watching the little one play with the building blocks. He looked up to the Guardians as they were all still going at each other across the room. He had volunteered to take care of Jack until everything calmed down for two reasons. One, because Jack was cute as hell and he had never held a child before. Two, because it was keeping him from strangling Denver after telling him not to let Jack near their spells. 

The loud squeal brought him back to the present as Jack swung a block around in the air. Callahan smiled as he copied his movements which made the little baby get even happier. He had never cared for any of the children in his and Tooth's village, his focus on being one of the Warriors. He never really spent time around any child except for Tooth who was only three years younger than him. 

"I don't think you realize it yet but you being a baby is going to make tension rise between a lot of alpha males in this room, buddy. I'll be sure to get everything recorded for you." He whispered even though Jack had no idea what the words were coming out of his mouth. Callahan sucked in a breath when Jack suddenly leaned forward, putting both of his little hands on the sides of his face. 

He felt his heart beat rise as the little forehead leaned on his with Jack making a weird cooing noise. He felt the little fingers start almost petting his face. It was a sweet action he had seen in movies and it made his heart warm. He choked up as he realized this was something he had missed out on in life. 

He laughed loud as Jack leaned forward, placing a baby kiss on his nose. He heard a camera snap and knew Phil had arrived. He hoped the yeti had gotten one of Jack just resting his forehead on his. Little Jack was an affectionate little thing and he was loving every minute of it. His happiness was shortened as someone walked up beside him, stealing the attention. 

"Don't glare at me like that, I didn't mean for this to happen." Denver had been watching from afar as Callahan and Jack played and cuddled. It made something in him snap as he watched the moments, wishing he could see more babies around his friend. They didn't love each other like they used to but Denver couldn't help but feel something seeing the fairy with Jack. 

"Yeah but it never would've happened if you had listened to me in the first place." Callahan noticed the way Denver was looking at him but didn't let himself think any more into it. They didn't love each other like that anymore and in all reality he didn't want to. It hurt him to much last time to love again. 

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