He Snapped

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I have a list of everyone's request and I want to say everyone's will be done. If you have any more ideas, don't be afraid to send them in!

This one is from Sharpshooter_200 . Jack makes a bad decision which leads him to a bad moment with a bad guy. What if Jack gets to mad one day and snaps in a way no one was prepared for?


Everyone was glad that all the Guardians had returned. There was a welcoming party held after a few weeks for everyone to calm down, Aster to get his instincts under control of protecting Jack, and ended up making a big party. The Seasonals had all shown up but there was a very big problem. 

Derek Fill, a summer spirit, that had been one of Jack's biggest haters had come. There were many Seasonals Jack hadn't been around or seen for years and for good reason. They didn't get along at all. None of them had anything to be truly mad at other than Derek was jealous. He had admitted one day to Katie that he was jealous. Derek singled him out in their world, putting a target on his back. 

He was a main guy who had bullied Jack, pushed him around, hit him. It was no secret that some of the Summer's did that to the boy. Jack didn't know that the group he hadn't seen in years were here tonight to celebrate. He didn't know that them and Nick and Andy had all become buddies until he saw them all talking and laughing. 

"What the hell are they doing here?" Stray looked up at the tone of Jack's voice to find the normally calm blue eyes turned dark blue in an angry ice storm behind his eyes. Ever since his fade, Stray had noticed that Jack's emotions actually reflected in color through his eyes. He swallowed as he remembered the true force of Jack's power before his original sleep and hoped it wouldn't happen. 

"Nick was talking about the party, they heard and invited themselves." He tapped his glass in a nervous tick as Jack's power made the area go cold as he looked around for Crystal in hopes to find someone to calm down Jack. He heard a deep breath come from his friend before he felt Jack turn back to the table they were next to. 

"What is that?" Stray turned to look at a bowl that had a sign above it. 

Not Allowed for Jack
Keep him away from it

Stray opened his mouth before closing it with no answer. He turned to see Jack already looking at him with a look that screamed wrong doings. 

"No. No, no, no. It says it's not for you Jack. For once please listen to the r- goddammit." 

He watched Jack hand out his cup towards him which was the universal sign that he wanted Stray to get it for him. Stray looked to the sky in prayer before taking the cup and walking over to the bowl. He could smell it coming from the bowl, someone had brought alcohol. He went to walk back to tell Jack no but felt his feet frozen to the ground. 

He met Jack's fierce eyes and knew now wasn't the time to try him. Maybe he could. Maybe Jack could handle the alcohol. Hopefully. He fixed the cup before walking back to his friend, the weight of the possible disaster on his shoulders. The cup was put into Jack's hand before he watched him lift the cup to his mouth. 

"It burns." But he liked it. Jack took the small sips because he knew getting Stray to do it again wouldn't happen. Plus, he had gotten him a lot already. Stray was staring at him which made him confused. He looked down at himself to see if there was anything on him but there wasn't. 

"Why are you staring at me?" 

"I'm not staring at you. I'm staring at the mistake that's probably going to cost me my life because of your father." Jack blinked before he realized that Stray probably thought was true. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now