The Truth

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Meggiechan2000 and NovaRosalyn here's the chapter you've been waiting on and many have been requesting. Jack's finally going to tell someone about the shooting. This chapter will also have someone else saying a truth.

A bonding chapter between Jack and Ares. A bonding chapter between Pitch and Ares.


Ares cleaned the blade of the sword in his hand as he watched Jack. They were all in North's workshop helping prepare for a Christmas make over in the sleigh tunnels. A few of the yetis were nailing in new boards, making a bang sound each time. He seemed to be the only one that noticed every time the bangs hit the air, Jack flinched. 

He knew that the boy had visited Jackie Bennett. He knew from Bunny that Jackie Bennett had been involved in a terrible human caused attack. He also knew that the day it happened, Jack was out "working". Ares knew what the sound of a gun sounded like. He knew that the banging noise could be a mirror image of the sound. It was a question he had been asking himself since Bunny told him,

Had Jack been with Jackie in that school? 

"If you think any harder, the gears in your head are going to burn up." He turned to Pitch who walked up by his side. He looked back at Jack as another bang echoed through the air. The boy flinched, squeezing his eyes shut tighter as his hands shook. He looked back at Pitch who had noticed what he was looking at. The Nightmare King had come to the surface as his jaw clenched, anger through his eyes at the feeling of Jack's fear he hadn't noticed till now. 

"What's happening to him? What's he seeing?" Pitch looked at him before back at the boy. He shook his head before glaring at down at the necklace around Jack's neck. It glowed to show Roy using his magic. He could tell that Pitch and Roy were talking between each other. 

"I can't tell. Jack and Roy are both blocking me out of his mind, out of his fears." Ares sighed. He tapped the handle of the sword. Something needed to be done. Aster was too busy arguing with North to notice anything. The Seasonals were all out in the field. There was no one else. He placed the weapon down, making a quick decision. 

"Jack!" He watched the boy nearly drop the toy he was helping make. A layer of tears covered his dark blue eyes as he looked at him. His hands were shaking, ice forming on the edges of his hands. It looked like he was on the edge of his limit. 

"Come with me." Ares turned away to walk towards the door. He knew Jack would follow him. He ignored the look Pitch sent him. He ignored the confused looks everyone sent him as he walked away, Jack following behind him. He waited until they got a little outside the large doors before opening a tunnel. He felt Jack fall behind him with a grunt. 

They went down the tunnel for a while before he let them enter one of the caves that he had found. Only he knew where these were when he left the Warren one night, trying to find spots on Earth in case everything went to hell and he needed to hide his family again. He gave it a minute before he turned to Jack. He felt his ears twitch, wanting to fall on his head, but he didn't let them. He needed to show strength for Jack right now. 

Jack had sat down against the wall with his head on his knees. Ares could see his shoulders trembling while curled into his arms tight. He leaned against the opposite side of the wall as he let Jack cry. He felt his heart break little by little the more Jack let his cries audible. He waited until the whimpers and sniffs turned into sobs before he made his way to Jack's side. 

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