You Love Me?

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"Archie." He turned back to Bunny before looking down. Jack's body was pale, his hair white. His blood was red instead of black. He could see the small breaths Jack was taking but his eyes were closed. It was a fight for him to live now.

He felt a hand squeeze his shoulder before the summer body he was so used to knelt beside him. He felt Marcus wrap an arm around him before slowly pulling him away.

"No. No I can't leave him-"

"You need to let him go, Archie. They need to take him to the infirmary."

"I promised forever."

He heard another crying then. He looked up to see Pitch trying to pull Death back from Seraphina's body. They had both done what fate intended them to do. Fate had decided this.

He decided fate needed to go fuck herself.


Archie blinked away the sleep from his eyes as he tried to remember where he was. He found himself staring at the sky. His body felt beaten and bruised as the memories of his fight to save Jack went through his mind. Did he win? He couldn't remember.

"I've been looking everywhere for you." He held his breath for a few seconds before slowly turning around. He felt tears form in his eyes as Jack stood in front of him, clean from any nightmare sand. His hair was back to its pure white color, his eyes bright blue. He jumped up to grab on to him but stumbled in pain. 

He felt cold arms wrap around him as he fell again. He looked up to find Jack crying too. He frowned, that's not right. Why was Jack crying? 

"I saved you." He watched Jack nod. Archie looked behind Jack to find that it wasn't his lake that their connected dreams usually took them to, it was his families plot of land. He found the old house that he grew up in. He hadn't thought of this place in centuries. He blinked before turning back to his lover. 

"Why are we here?" Jack smiled at him before taking his hand. He brought a hand up to wipe Jack's tear before holding his face. The cold from his skin nearly made him start crying again.

"You saved me...but you used all of your magic. You exhausted your center, your magic. You exhausted everything-" Archie flinched at the crack in Jack's voice. 

"You didn't block the last hit from the sword I had." Archie blinked before looking around again. He noticed that everything looked a little too bright to be real. He looked along the hill behind his house to find people standing there. A man and a woman with kids by their sides. He shook his head before turning back around to Jack. 

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not." He stopped shaking his head when Jack put his hand on his cheek. He watched the other smile at him before voices entered the air. 

"His heart rate is too high!" North shouted.

"He's overheating we need snow!" That was Sam. 

"Seraphina! What do we do!" Marcus?

"Jack, come back kit." Aster voice was broken.

"Archie, come back to me son." Seraphina's voice was exhausted. 

Archie blinked before looking back to Jack. They both had exhausted everything they had. 

"Are we dying?" Jack shrugged his shoulders, his tears had stopped which gave Archie ease at knowing Jack wasn't afraid of possible death. He could see the only worry Jack had in his eyes was for him.

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now