Trust Me Again?

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I think it's time to see a good couple, don't you guys think? Get ready from some perfect groveling. 

Let's see how this goes with our favorite boys. 


Tooth sighed as she looked at Callahan. He was sitting at the window looking out into the white canvas of the North Pole. She had been watching him fall into a hole, one that was swallowing him and taking away everything that made him...him. She looked at the cold spot that came up beside her as Jack's brighter eyes took him in. 

She wasn't exactly surprised at the new Guardian placement Manny made for Jack. It fit him very well. There hadn't been exactly a change in him except for he carried a new confidence within him. Like he found a missing piece of himself. 

"He's been like that for a while?" She nodded at Jack's quiet question. She hadn't bothered anyone with how Callahan had been acting because everyone had been busy. She didn't want to bother Bunny because he had been dealing with the tribe, didn't want to bother Jack because he had been healing himself and the new power. She didn't know of anyone else to help him. 

"Why didn't you get someone?" 

"Everyone was busy, Jack. He's been like this before but not this bad. I know that you can help him. With your new powers, you can definitely help him." Jack tilted his head as Callahan blew on the window to create fog before drawing on it. He took a deep breath at the sight of him drawing little clouds with Z's around it. 

"It's not me that can help him, Tooth. Bunny can't either. Only one who can save him is the one who broke him. He needs Denver." Tooth scowled before crossing her arms and glaring at Jack. 

"No way. I'm not taking him anywhere near Callahan. His actions have brought out this side of Cal-"

"The only reason this is happening is because both of them are slowly killing each other. Look at Denver. Look at him and tell me what you see." She turned to look through the doors into the workshop. She watched as Denver laughed with Sandy and North about something. 

"I see him laughing and joking around while my brother sits in a window seat with bags under his eyes because he doesn't want to sleep. Because sleep reminds of him of Denver." Jack shook his head before taking her chin and turning her head towards the young dream giver. 

"Keep watching him. Once everyone turns around, once everyone stops paying attention to him." She watched with a huff before waiting. North turned to talk to Phil as the yeti got Sandy and his attention. She watched as Denver's smile faded before his eyes filled with pain. He looked down at his hands as they lightly touched a bracelet that held a tooth charm on it. 

She watched him wipe his face before standing up with a new fake smile as another yeti called for his help. She swallowed before looking at Jack, wincing at the stern look on his face. She wasn't used to Jack acting so grown up. 

"Once upon a time, you thought I was the happiest spirit in the world. You thought that I wasn't as sad as Bunny warned all of you about. It wasn't until he made you watch me when everyone turns around. It's normal to worry over your brother but you're not thinking of how damaged Denver could be." 

Tooth held down her emotions before looking over to find Callahan sharing a fake smile with Ridley. She turned to watch Denver laughing with another group of yetis. She wrapped her arms around herself before she floated down to allow her feet to sit on the ground. She had to look up slightly at Jack now. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now