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So this is a sad one like very sad. It's a vault chapter that I wanted to bring out. I know I've been MIA lately I'm giving the last one which was funny & had angst in it, now a sad one, and then next will be a happy one to make up for it.

I hope all of these updates will load up in the right order I had someone tell me there was no notification for a new chapter. 

Tw: pills


Jack made it no secret to his older believers what really happened to him and where it happened. He wanted them to know the truth about him but only the older ones and once the younger grew old enough. Right now, his oldest believer was about to turn 18. His second oldest that he knew personally was 16. 

He made sure to remember everything for each believer. Their likes and dislikes, their problems, their happiest memories. Everything. He wanted them to know that they were never alone with him. He knew a lot of his believers struggled in life and wondered sometimes if that was another Guardianship for him, helping the lost souls of broken kids. 


"Jack, are you listening?" He rolled his eyes at North's voice. They had been having this meeting for thirty minutes now with only North talking. He loved the man but his ranting was not on his list of things to do today. He had believers to go see, snow to spread, things to do. 

"Yes, North, he is listening just like the rest of us. Please continue." Jack hid his laugh behind a cough at the sarcastic tone in Pitch's voice as he placed a chess piece in front of Ares who was losing. The two of them had made up after everything and Jack was happy about that. They were bestfriends after all. 

Poor North still didn't grasp sarcasm well as he went into his rant again. Jack picked at his sleeve as he listened for a few minutes until a chill went down his spine. He blinked as the window blew open the window harshly enough to make the yetis near it jump. It pulled at his sleeve as it screeched. 

"She needs you!" He didn't tell anyone anything. He just grabbed his staff and let the wind take him to whoever was calling for him. The wind was going fast enough even his own ears popped which hadn't happened in centuries. He made it to a small town in Wyoming. It held a small population and surrounded themselves in the southern life. 

The girl he knew from here was named Grace, she was 16 and loved mangos. They met when she was 13 with her belief stronger than ever. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few months ago that was being treated with chemo. He hated watching her slowly fade away in front of him but he still visited every single chance he got. Her time was limited until the doctors could find a way to remove it. 

He quickly jumped from roof to roof trying to get to her house fast. He remembered her telling him her parents would be out of town this weekend. He made it to small house in the corner of town. It was painted a baby blue with darker blue window panes. Grace had told him that was her mother's dream house that her father built just for them. 

Jack landed beside the downstairs window that was always left cracked for him unless it rained. He quickly made his way inside and to her room. Her room was decorated in all colors with pictures and paintings everywhere. She was always drawing or making something.

"Grace?" He froze at the sight of her in the window seat. She had gotten thinner from the chemo but it wasn't that he froze for. He froze from the bottle of pills in her hand. They were pills to help her pain when she had migraines. There was a doctor's appointment he missed last week because of a snow storm in New York. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now