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I've never put together two requests in one but I am going to put both of these together.

Meggiechan2000 requested a chapter where Jack could shapeshift into artic animals and Wolfdog4954 has mentioned they would like to see another chapter of Bunny and Jack so I've put both ideas together. This chapter will be just Bunny and Jack. 


"Stop zoning out and focus, Jackson. You want to learn magic then work with me." Jack rolled his eyes at Roy's annoyance before focusing back on the book on the ledge in front of him. The darkness of the abandoned cave surrounded him as he used a lantern to light up enough for him to read. The argument between him and the other Guardians from a few days ago still rang in his ears.

"You're not learning magic, Jack. I can't teach you. " Bunny walked away from him as the conversation stopped. Jack gripped the back of the chair as he reigned in the anger. Bunny had been distant from him since he came back from his trip, from his wish, from the talk with Manny. He could tell his Dad wanted to tell him what was going on but he was holding back. He looked around to see that Tooth and North were looking everywhere but him.

"What is going on. What am I not being told?" He watched Bunny glance to North with anger practically burning out of his eyes. He looked to the leader of their group to find North not looking at any of them. He was just looking down at the Naughty and Nice list as if no one was talking to him at all. He remembered one thing Pitch told him about the Guardian's right in the beginning. 

Pitch told him that sometimes a hero would sacrifice whoever they needed to save the world but a villian would tear the world down to save the one they wanted. He remembered the Nightmare King asking him who he thought North was. 

Jack didn't answer. Why that conversation was coming up in his head he didn't know.

"What is going on!" He watched North's jaw clench with how he raised his voice but gave no reaction. Jack looked over at Tooth to find her looking up at the sky. He looked up to find the moon shinning down on the whole room, Manny's light filling the room as he listened. He remembered back to the words Manny told him a week ago after his wish. 

There was something going on that he was being left out of. 

"Aster." He watched Bunny's ears twitch back as if they wanted to fall but the Pooka wasn't letting them. He looked up as Bunny turned to him, the green eyes usually filled with a fatherly love always for so long was blank. He was hiding his emotions like Ares taught him a warrior should. Jack knew then that whatever was going on he wouldn't know about until it was to late. 

"Fine. Guess you guys are missing being only the four of you again, I'll see myself out." Jack ignored the way Tooth cried out for him not to leave. He could feel the pain coming from his Father as he caught a glimpse of Bunny folded into himself, crouched in the corner with his ears bent back. He wanted to back and beg his Dad to tell him what's going on but being emotional got him nowhere with them lately.

Something was going on. 

"If you want magic, I can teach you." He stopped flying through the air at the sound of Roy's voice filling his head. He had forgotten the fact that Roy knew magic other than demon magic. Roy was an elite magic user in all areas so why hadn't he asked him before? 

"Roy your handwriting is terrible." This cave was so deep in plants that he had to freeze over layers of vines and bushes to crack them with his staff. It took him two hours just to get through. He looked down at the old journals of Roy's magic. He was looking over a simple shapeshifting spell that was supposed to change him from his normal self to an owl. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now