The Other Life

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hey's me. So I'm back after a very long break. I know many of you were worried and I'm sorry about that but I got my friend to stop positing drafts because I wanted to see yalls first hand reactions to them. I've seen that many of you don't comment when he's in charge so I got him to  stop.

I hope many of you are still here.

So with me being back, here is a chapter I wrote while I was away.

And funny story. I wrote it with pencil and paper.

It's just a short chapter, like one of the shortest chapters I've probably written but I don't think this one needs to be drawn out.

There will be many coming soon.


8 Years After They Left

"You promised to get that box of Christmas decorations out the shed, D. Better get it before the snow falls more." He rolled his eyes at Mary's voice yelling through the kitchen. They weren't going anywhere so what was the point of clearing it. He sighed, pausing the TV before leaving the room to get his jacket. He walked through the kitchen to go out the side door to the backyard. 

He looked in as Mary brushed flour dust off of her hands to help the little boys next to her. Their twins were turning six on Christmas. He smiled at the loud giggle the smaller boy let out when the flour touched his nose. It had been eight years since they had moved to the little town of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. 

The town turned into a Christmas wonderland near December, the snow nearly taking over the town. The middle of the square would be covered in decorations soon. They didn't really plan on living here, it was just a small stop before going on but Mary figured out she was pregnant so they settled down. 

He didn't know why but something about Winter made him feel sad. Mary said it was the cold that made him feel that way since he was more of a summer person but there was something else he couldn't point out. 

"Daddy, can I go with you?" He turned to find bright blue eyes looking up at him. He was glad at least one of the boys got Mary's eyes. He grabbed the small jacket from the rack beside his to help the little one into his winter clothes. He smiled as the boy took his gloves from him to do it himself. 

"Let's go get the decorations before Mommy comes after me with a kitchen knife." The little giggles followed him out the door as they made their way through the snow. He shook his head as his son took off running into the snow before throwing himself in a snow pile. Derek didn't even try to help him out as he walked right past him. 

Jack was obsessed with snow while his brother, Marcus, wasn't. Marcus was more of a fan of Summer like him. Mary was a spring person. They had friends down the road that joked with them that they should have another kid to even out the "Seasons". They weren't ready for that yet. 

He went into the shed to dig for the box of Christmas lights she was looking for that looked like glowing flowers. She always hung them around the fire place to match the stockings. He smiled as he pushed through boxes of old toys and memories from the boys growing up. 

"My name is Jack too!" He stopped. He looked over his shoulder to where Jack was standing to find him looking up as if he were speaking to someone else. He knew that Jack had an active imagination, from his stuffed animals speaking to him on a daily to the magic fairies in the attic. He just shook his head before turning back to the box. 

Derek finally grabbed the box of lights before leaving the shed. He watched Jack still looking up as if he were listening to someone. Mary always told him to play along with whatever he saw no matter how crazy it seemed. 

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