The First Time He Cried

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When I go to old chapters, I check the comments to make sure I haven't ever missed a request and I saw some comments that I can take from. I've gone through ever chapter and ever comment and some I have missed. I will be bringing every comment and request back. You aren't missed.

So I was looking back in old chapters and I don't know if anyone remembers but in the chapter where Ares and Bunny are making up in the cove made by Emily and Pitch, Aster mentions that he had only seen Ares cry once and that was when Pitch had first turned into the Nightmare King and was killing. 

FreyaFeather you left a comment on the paragraph saying, "This scene would make me cry, if you make it into a future chapter I'll need a tissue box." 

Well, if you're still reading this, get a tissue box cause it's happening...


Jack was curious. It was a type of curious that would lead him down a dark road most likely but he was curious about it. 

"Has Grandpa ever cried other than when he made up with you?" Aster froze. He glanced over at Jack who was chewing on one of the herb sticks from Charlie. He let his teeth grind together in the back, planning to kick Charlie's ass for giving his son the equivalent of weed. He never said anything though. He'd rather Jack have their version of it than getting it from anywhere else. 

"He has." Jack tilted his head as he stared at the moon. Manny wasn't watching them tonight as he apparently had a meeting with North and Seraphina. There had been a lot of meetings lately. He didn't care though.

"When?" Aster let his paint brush cover the whole right side of the egg while releasing a deep breath. He had set in a new rule that on Tuesday's and Thursday's it was a him and Jack day. It was a day to take them back to old times when it was just them. He didn't let anyone come near them or be included in their day. 

"It was when Pitch attacked all of us." Jack chewed on the stick as he processed his Dad's words. He liked these days when it was just them. He turned his head to look at his father. Aster had swore to never lie about anything again on days like this just like he did. They were father and son but everyone forgot they were bestfriends first. 

"Did you see it happen? Pitch...kill him?" Bunny stopped painting all together as the image flashed behind his eyes. Ridley and him had been hiding under the rubble of a near by house when it happened. He remembered his brother covering his mouth to hide his scream when Pitch did what he did. 

"Can I see?" His head snapped to Jack who was now just staring at him. He wanted to shelter Jack from it, from the image that burned his nightmares sometimes. The ones that scarred Pitch in his own nightmares. But Bunny knew if he didn't answer or show Jack, then he'd go straight to the source. 

Bunny put down the egg and brush as he turned to Jack, watching as his son sat up to meet his serious expression. He held back a little smile as he remembered a time when Jack did this in the beginning with his need to always know the past. 

Jack watched Bunny's come up to his head to touch his temples to bring him into his memories. He watched a hesitant look cross his father's face before he spoke. 

"I won't be going with you. I don't want to visit these memories. Do you understand?" Jack nodded. 

Bunny took a deep breath before allowing Jack into the part of his memories that would show the moment everything went down. 

"Chief Ares there's to many we have to fall back!" Aster heard Charlie call out to his father. He swiped at another mare before he turned to actually look at his family. His brother was battling two at one time and his father and Charlie were surrounded. He had no choice but to fall back himself. His baton was broken and he only had one arrow left. 

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