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A request from Meggiechan2000 . A short little sweet chapter between Jack and Bunny that will have multiple moments from past and present moments. 

A few night moments where Bunny finds Jack sleepwalking over the years of them knowing each other. 

This may not be what you were going for Meggie but I thought it would be cool if this was little moments over the years instead of a full chapter of just one moment?

I hope you enjoy though! 


First Time

A slight thump woke Bunny up. He stayed still, wondering if it was just something out in the Warren but he heard it again on the wall. His body went tense because all he could think was a rogue nightmare or Pitch himself was here for Jack. He jumped up to go find him making sure to grab a weapon on his way out. It was the kid's second week here, he didn't want him attacked already.

He slowly made his way down the hall to the kitchen area where the noise was coming from. He slowly came around the corner but stopped short at the sight. It wasn't anything dangerous at all. He lowered his weapon but raised an eyebrow at the sight of Jack Frost slowly walking around the room, trying to find the door. He could see the boy's eyes were open but weren't seeing. 

Bunny knew from long talks with Sandy that you shouldn't ever force a sleep walker to wake up, it could end up dangerous for both people. He sighed, he didn't want to call on Sandy with the dream weaver so focused on left over nightmares. He watched Jack walk into the wall right beside the door again as if he were looking for the way out. 

A whimper made him stop smiling as he realized Jack was crying to get out. He slowly walked up behind the boy to find him shaking slightly as if he were afraid. He reached around him to open the door before stepping out first to guide the boy. He needed to know what Jack was looking for. 

"Guess we are going on an adventure, Jackie." Sure enough, Jack walked through the door slowly before making his way into the Warren. Bunny followed behind him as he thought about it. Has Jack done this before? He frowned before rubbing his paw over his face to get rid of the sad thoughts, he would've went through this alone then. 

"The mares are gone, Bunny. All gone." He looked at Jack to find him still asleep. He smiled a little bit before watching Jack slowly slip to the ground. He caught him before the kid could thump to the ground. He didn't have the heart to try to move him away as he just got comfortable with holding him. 

Bunny looked up to the moon to find Manny shinning down on them. 

"Has he ever done this before?" 

But the moon just stayed quiet. 


Random night in Warren

"The sky is falling." Bunny jumped from sleep at Jack's sudden loud voice. He looked over to find Jack just standing in the middle of the room with unseeing eyes. He rolled his eyes, Jack had watched some stupid movie about a little chicken saying that. He hated the movie with a passion considering Jack would not stop watching it. 

"The sky is not falling, Jack." He had figured out that sometimes Jack would talk back. Sometimes, he would find Jack asleep in random places in the house. He had started locking the doors after one night he found the boy asleep on top of an egg golem. He walked there. Jack said he remembered looking for a golden candy bar. 

"It's falling, Dad." Bunny groaned into his paws. It was going to be a long night, he thought as Jack stumbled out the doors looking for acorns. The boy didn't do this very often but he did it enough Bunny knew when Jack would go back to bed or they would be up for a while.


Pitch's Lair



"Why is Jackson walking into the wall?" Bunny blinked before sitting up. He had fallen asleep on Pitch's couch while Jack and the shadow talked about something he didn't care about. He turned to find Jack stumbling into the wall, trying to find a way out. Pitch was staring at him. 

"He does this sometimes. Sleep walks." 

"I can see what it is, I just want to know why he is walking into my wall?" Bunny rolled his eyes before getting up. He opened a hole to the Warren as he walked away. The boy was sleep walking and Pitch only cared for the wall. 

"Jack, want to go find the fairies?" He figured out that Jack would react to children's movies in his sleep walking state. This weeks hyper-fixation was Tinkerbell. Tooth loved it. He hated it. Now he had to talk about fairies to get Jack to follow him. 

"I have to find Tinkerbell, she's gotta fix my hoodie." Bunny turned to glare at Pitch as the man laughed into his cup of tea. He slowly picked up the boy as he went to leave. 


Three Days before The Fade

Bunny couldn't sleep. His kit was disappearing right in front of him to God knows where. He hadn't been able to sleep this whole time. Every night he watched Jack fall asleep just to make sure he didn't slip away. He slept when Jack went out during the day so he could be awake in the now. 

He looked over as Jack twitched on the grass. They had been sitting by the river when Jack slowly fell asleep against him. He didn't want to tell the kit about how the chill surrounding him was becoming painful to lay against. He placed his head in his paws as he tried to clear his thoughts. 

"The butterflies are flying away." He jumped at Jack's sudden voice. He turned to find the blue eyes open but not seeing. He hadn't seen Jack sleep walk in a long time. He had done it a few times over the years with and without him around. He had been told by Phil that the yeti found him wondering the halls of the Pole looking for Peter Pan. Jack never made sense when he was sleep walking. 

He smiled as Jack slowly stood up and walked away. He followed behind him to make sure he didn't fall in the river. His eyes burned from tears as he realized he wouldn't be able to follow Jack anywhere after this. 


After Jack Comes Back

Lily woke up with a jump. Something had hit the side of their nest. She slowly looked up to find Jack just standing over them. Bunny hadn't woken up from it because he was so tired from working with all the others in the garden. She watched Jack walk into their nest one more time before completely climbing over her. She grunted when his knee went into her side. 

"The avengers are destroying New York." She was so confused as she grunted again, Jack's foot hitting her knee. She watched Bunny slowly wake up before all he did was lift up an arm to bring Jack in close. 

"New York can fix itself, kit." Her jaw dropped as she watched Bunny have a conversation with a sleep-walking Jack about a movie she'd never seen. She had no idea what was happening as Jack kept moving around in the nest, practically pushing her out. She looked up to find Aster looking at her with a small smile before he looked down at Jack. The boy was cuddled up to the point that his head was tucked into the corner of Bunny's neck. 

"He's sleep walking. That side of the nest is usually open for him to sprawl out." Lily just watched as Bunny slowly fell back asleep as Jack just kept mumbling to himself. She shook her head before laying back down. 


I know it's a short one and I'm sorry for that but with this idea I couldn't see myself making it sad or long, I hope that's okay. There will definitely be longer chapters coming up now. 

requests are still open to send in! 

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