A Week

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hehe, I wanted to give this a very emotional part. Marvel reference for everyone near the end. 



Jack stood in the kitchen of their own little world as he tried to flip the pancake. He frowned as it didn't land in the pan. 

"Jack, that is the third pancake you've dropped on the floor. No more." He rolled his eyes as Pitch spoke behind him. He turned with a puppy dog smile trying to get one more try at the man but saw his father standing beside him with a stern look. His smile dropped as he put the pan down. No fair. 

"Maybe tomorrow, but North would probably want some food today." He huffed before turning to walk towards the table as Aster took over the cooking. He just wanted to flip a pancake. He sat beside Sandy who was just watching it all while drinking something. He glared at the little man as he laughed. 

"It's not funny Sandy." The little man laughed more as the others came in, all gathering for breakfast. It was ready within in minutes considering Jack wasn't in the kitchen anymore. He could bake very well but couldn't cook anything else to save his life. 

They sat around the table as each of them ate their own foods. Aster had fruits and vegetables, Tooth had just all natural fruits, Sandy and North had the eggs, bacon, pancakes and Jack had a little of all of it. Pitch just had coffee and a bagel. He watched Pitch make his portions on his plate as he still tried to do his best with eating but sometimes it just didn't work that way. 

"And that is why I think you should go get the wood today." Jack hid his smile behind his fork as he watched North trying to encourage Sandy and Pitch to go get wood for the fireplace. Aster looked at him as they both hid their laughter from the others or else they would both get put into it too. 

"Come on North, it's your idea to keep the fireplace going. I think you should go get it considering you always light it u- Sandy?" Jack looked up at Tooth's sudden tone change. Everyone turned to the little gold man as his hand was becoming see through. He watched as Sandy was slowly fading right there infront of them, his fork going through his now see through hand. 

"AH, he is waking up!" North said in excitement as Sandy shared a smile with him, a little wave to Jack before he fully was gone. The room was quiet as everyone processed Sandy was now back in the real world. 

"Now it has to be Aster who helps Pitch get the wood." His father let out a loud noise of disagreement as Jack couldn't hold back the snort. He stared at the spot his friend sat in and wonder how everyone just moved on that quickly. He felt a hand on his, turning to see Tooth giving him a motherly smile. 



Jack sat next to Pitch as they watched the sunset on the cliff near the house. Neither of them spoke as they took in the light. Jack wondered if Sandy had found the others and already told everyone what it's like here. He turned to hear everyone else joining them as he just looked at his father. 

Aster sat down beside Jack before leaning over and nudging his temple with his nose. He saw the small glare but ignored it. He knew his son was becoming moody now. They were all waking up now which means in the end, he will be here. It hurt him to know he would be leaving his son again but Jack would be fine. He would be fine. Aster just kept telling himself that. 

"Pitch!" Jack's head snapped over as Tooth let out a gasp of the shadow's name. He felt his body shiver as his friend was fading in front of him. This was wrong. It was out of order, this wasn't the way it was supposed to go. He felt Bunny put a hand on his shoulder as Pitch just met his eyes with a nod. He kept the frown on as Pitch was fully gone, turning to the sunset. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now