I Was Made For Loving You

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an update: she has given me permission to post chapters that she has drafts of. The story line of all the people being in trouble and Jack making a plan with Cypress is being put on a pause. With that being said, enjoy this small chapter. Her words are down below after the dotted lines. I've put the date of the drafts in { } so you can see the difference in our writings. 


so here is a little song chapter, it's a little filler I have like many others I've made that just give a small break from regular writing chapters :) 

here is a song that I feel connects to a less talked about couple, Crystal and Andy. {10/1}


I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly

"A dangerous plan, just this time
A stranger's hand clutched in mine
I'll take this chance, so call me blind
I've been waiting all my life"

Andy leaned against the oak tree as he waited for her to show up. They had only been dating for a few days now and she had been acting weird already. He knew he was her first true boyfriend, first true "good guy" and he had a feeling she was pushing him away in fear. He had tried to talk to Jack about it but all he did was smile and said, 

"You'll figure her out." 

He knew Jack wasn't going to help him but it was worth a try. He knew to Crystal, this was a foreign area. A strange place she had never been. He understood it. He just hoped that when she met him today that she would wait and listen to all the words he wanted to say to her. 

A brush of wind moved his hair as he looked up to find her flying his way. His breath caught as her red hair seemed brighter in the spring sun while her outfit stood out. He had personally never seen her wear a sundress like Katie did and he didn't know what to think of it. He loved her pants she always wore but this was just a new look for him entirely. 

"So I'm guessing you like the dress?" He heard a hesitant tone of her voice, making him realize this must be something special. He looked her over and stopped on her face. She was blushing. He had never seen the usual hot headed, bold, Crystal blush. 

"Please don't scar this young heart

Just take my hand"

"Yes. I like the dress." He watched her nod before she cracked her knuckles, scowling at the sky. He smiled a little before hiding it behind his hand. He could tell she was working out her own thoughts so he let her be for a second. 

Andy held his breath as she walked closer to him, taking his hand as she slipped a bracelet on to his wrist. He looked down to find the thread she always kept braided into her hair before looking back up at her. She was looking at him with no emotional walls behind her eyes, she was giving him her all. 

"I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming, I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you"

Crystal ran a hand through her hair as she ignored the boy sitting across the room. She refused to look at him. She was lost. Her mind told her one thing but her heart told her another. She was stuck in the middle. They had been dating for a month now and her fear was coming back because of old words filling her head. Old comments made by the people in this room. 

She wanted to trust him, she wanted to...love him. But her mind wouldn't let her. She felt hopeless but couldn't talk to the Guardian of Hope because if she did, he would tell Jack. She didn't want Jack to know. The feeling of his eyes on her was strong as she tried to focus on Katie's rant about a mortal boy destroying her leaves. 

"I just don't see how she is still allowed to be around him, she is tainted from what I hear." Crystal's breath caught at the words spoken from an older Pooka standing off to the side. She knew he was meaning no true harm, that was a true statement. She was tainted. It was all her fault that her reputation had become known for sex and- 

"Micha, I know you are an elder and are highly respected in your tribe, but if you speak like that about my girlfriend one more time, I will give Natasha a new animal pelt for the cabin." There were many shocked gasps that filled the room from Andy's loud threat. She felt him standing behind her before his hand lightly laid on her neck. 

She was afraid of falling but against her wishes, she had already fell.

"Hold me close, through the night
Don't let me go, we'll be all right
Touch my soul and hold it tight
I've been waiting all my life"

It was a rare night where Andy was stuck in his mind. He stared up at the ceiling of his room at the Pole while his mind ran through memories of fights with his parents after Jack's death. Fights where his father threatened to kick him out for not doing the chores like he should, fights where his mother begged for her son back because the person he turned into was not him. 

He knew after Jack died and Nick gone, he had turned into a shell of a person. One that the town either held pity for or was wishing he was dead as well. He had become useless with them gone. The only thing that saved him was Misty. He knew she brought him back to a little more hope for life than he had before her. 

Then the sickness took him away. 

His mind was full of hurtful memories of his parents as he ran through them, not being able to get out. Something was missing. He needed something to keep him grounded to keep him sane and he was missing it-

"I won't scar your young heart
Just take my hand"

A hand laid on his heaving chest, he didn't realize he was in the middle of a panic attack. He opened his eyes to find Crystal hovering above him with an understanding look. She put her other hand in his, linking their fingers together before laying down beside him. He started to breath regular as she pulled him close to her chest. 

He had found what he had been looking for all this time. 

"Cause I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you"

Jack watched from the corner of the castle as Andy and Crystal danced to the soft music. He smiled as both of his friends finally looked happy in their own skin, finally finding the one to love. He had been waiting for the day Crystal found her one and there was nothing that made him happier knowing it was Andy. Out of the three of them, Andy was the one he would trust the most with Crystal's heart. 

"They were made for each other." He looked over his shoulder to find Emily smiling with him. He turned around just in time to see Andy lean Crystal back in a dip before kissing her, big grins covering both of their faces.


I hope you guys liked this one! I loved writing it, I need to write more of the other couples I feel like. Should I? Comment here which couple you'd like to see another chapter of. I'm feeling love vibes today. I'm still taking requests! {10/1}


*I'll say this the accident that's happened is related to mental health. Take this as a sign she's closer to Jack's dark side in this moment. I'm sure between the lines of those sentences you may understand the incident... you can leave whatever words you think will help on this paragraph. She sees the notifications.

Any requests you guys leave, i am putting on a notes app for her to use later. She is loving the ones given so far. 

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