Her Broken Heart

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Yes, this chapter you will get second hand embarrassment throughout the beginning. Also, I know I'm updating a lot but I'm afraid I won't have time in the next coming weeks to update like I should. 

A vault chapter. Jack and someone get caught doing something. Jack heals someone's conflicted heart. Jack proves to be the best thing ever once again. Everyone else proves to be a little bit of a bully. 

Everyone knows this book is a bit more grown up than my last. This is an example, it's not to bad but it's the beginning of Jack growing up. Our little Jackie is growing :(


"Oh shit!" The two of them just stared back at the other two. Callahan and Denver couldn't even form words. They just blinked in shock. They didn't even have time to warn the others walking in behind them what was infront of them. They had been walking through the small library type room as a short cut to the Globe Room when they noticed the two on the window bench. 

Callahan heard Bunny  say something at Jack, yelling in a way as someone else said something. He just blinked. He didn't really know how to process what was going on. Did he just see that right? Was this even real life? Was he dreaming?

Denver's jaw couldn't close back as he watched the other one stand quickly before throwing her hands up. He watched Mother Nature pointing her finger at her as Jack was being questioned by Bunny. Both of them were trying to explain but couldn't get the words out as to many questions were being asked by their parents.

"Did...Did I just see that shit right?" Callahan whispered. But no one had an answer for him. Everyone else was in a state like they were. No one really knew what to do. After all what could you say in this situation.

"Dad, you gotta lis-" 

"Mother, I didn-"

What could you say when you find Jack Frost leaning against the window seal with Crystal right infront of him. Both of their faces had blush and Jack's hand was on Crystal's waist while hers was on his chest. Kissing. They had walked in on Jack and Crystal kissing. 


Two hours earlier

Jack was reading a book that he would get an ass kicking for. He had gotten to the point were he didn't make facial expressions while reading something as bad as this. The thing was, Jack was beginning to get to the point where he wanted to know what having love was like. He didn't want love but he wanted to know what was so special about doing these type of things. 

He shut the book after finishing the chapter. Who could tell him if this stuff was actually fun or not? He tapped his fingers on the book cover. He couldn't ask any of the adults about it because they would treat him like a child. It took him a minute before he realized one of his best friends was extremely active in this category. 

The Pole was set to sound an alarm if he left. He was technically grounded for playing a glitter prank on Pitch so he was "locked in" the Pole. He didn't really care if he left or not but everyone else did. Why they picked sometimes to ground him and sometimes not made no sense to him.

"Wind, could you go find Crystal?" It wrapped around him once before it went out the window. He went back to reading as he waited. It didn't take her long before she was coming through the window, taking the seat right beside him. They looked at each other for a few minutes before Jack finally just asked the question. 

"What is kissing someone like?" Crystal's eyebrows could not have gone any further than they did. She glanced down at the book in Jack's hands before back up at his face. She could see the curious look in his eyes that held a certain innocence. When the wind came and got her, she thought it was an emergency and came as fast as she could. 

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