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There will be two chapters today! This is a request and then the next chapter is one that I wrote a while ago and I am so ready to post it's not even funny. It's a song chapter but it is an emotional roller coaster. I literally can't hold myself back any further from posting it once I'm done editing it for the final time. 

I'm sorry Sharpshooter_200 for taking so long with your request, I hope you didn't think I forgot you because I definitely didn't!

Stray isn't that happy and trusting that Noah has lost his crush on Jack and it makes him want them to stay away from each other. Jack figures out the problem and isn't to happy with Stray realizing they aren't like that. 

Stray and Noah are two of my babies so I hope you guys like them. 


It started with Stray seeing Noah and Jack laughing together. He knew Jack was one of his bestfriends and would never do anything to hurt him but he also knew that Noah had liked Jack for over two years before they got together. It was hard to believe that Noah had just gotten over that despite the amount of years it had been since then and how long they had been together. Noah had been with him longer than the crush he had on Jack lasted. 

But overthinking was a horrible addiction, once it started it became so hard to stop. 

Stray chewed his nails as he listened to Jack talking about how he was planning a new prank with Crystal and this time, Noah. He barely payed attention as he saw Noah put all the attention on Jack as he talked. In a logical way, he would be doing that too if he was listening to Jack but in the other side of his brain, Noah was still liking him. 

"Uh, actually me and Noah had something planned so we have to...go." Stray held back the red that wanted to come on his face when everyone's attention was on him. He couldn't stop the words that came out of his mouth. He saw Noah look at him with the most confused look on his face. 

"I thought we had planned the trip to Katie's flower garden tomorrow?" Stray shook his head. He needed Noah away from Jack for a while, just to put his mind at ease. He didn't see anything wrong with that. 

"No, I think it's today. We should go check." Stray didn't look at anyone else as he walked forward, grabbing Noah's hand as he pulled him away. He heard Noah saying quick goodbyes before taking to the wind. He gave a strained smile as Noah asked if he was okay. He didn't know the answer to that. 

Jack watched with a frown as the two flew away. He knew that there were no plans today because he had asked them both last week if they could be with him to plan this. Crystal was watching with a blank face but had an idea of what it was in her mind. Mary distracted Jack as they went back to planning. Crystal watched them fly away until they were small specks. 

Crystal knew. 


It became a habit Stray had. If Noah and Jack got to close, he would find a way to get Noah away. The rational thoughts in him had gone out the window when he became addicted to just putting off asking if Noah and Jack had something. He had been doing it for about a week when the question finally came up. 

"Stray, what is going on? You've been acting so weird." He couldn't get the words out as he held Noah's hand, walking away yet again from a conversation with Jack. He felt horrible about avoiding Jack. It was something he vowed never to do again but his mind was just in overdrive. 

"Stray, darling, stop." He was turned around as Noah put his hands on both sides of his face. They were eye to eye now as Noah looked into the blue eyes of his lover. There were so many emotions hidden in there that he couldn't get Stray to admit. He knew something had been going on but was hoping the other would talk to him. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now