Hello World

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so guys, I promise I haven't forgotten this story. There hasn't been any requests on my last chapter so I took an extra long break for a while (obviously) just so I can bring myself fully together. I got some request today from new readers so I'm coming back. 

This is a vault chapter :)

I hope there is still people here, my readers, I hope you're still here. 

A chapter full of Natasha and Sam with the pregnancy.


Natasha laid in bed as she stared at the ceiling. She hadn't been able to sleep in peace lately because of the baby deciding it wanted to shove his feet in her stomach every five seconds. The only thing that kept it calm was Sam's voice but he was dead asleep. He had been helping Pitch with rogue nightmares and helping North with preparations of Christmas. Her dear brother had somehow just come up with the idea of getting more help. 

She grunted before placing her hand on the side of her stomach. She begged in her head for the little demon to calm down. Calling the baby a demon? There wasn't many of their friends who liked her doing that but she did it because of this. The baby was beating the hell out of her. She couldn't even lay on her side anymore. 

A hand on her stomach made her jump before she turned to find tired brown eyes looking back at her. She shook her head in a silent no, he needed to go back to sleep. Sam just smiled at her before placing a kiss on her cheek. 

"I can sleep tomorrow, we have black out curtains for a reason. Let me help." She rolled her eyes before nodding. She didn't know what he was going to do to help right now. He moved to lay his head on her stomach itself before humming a small song she heard him sing to Jack before on bad nights. 

The vibrations of his voice settled the baby but also lulled her to sleep. She slowly fell into the darkness of sleep. 

"Goodnight, my little demon." She snorted quietly. That was the baby, not her. Maybe...


Sam crossed his arms as he smiled slightly at the sight of Natasha in Ares face, yelling at him. She was a little demon. He kept his eyes on the other Pooka's in the room to make sure none of them got close to her. If they did...well he'd have a new carpet decoration for the house. Natasha had been wanting a new carpet. 

"You think you have the right? You think you have the right to even question him anymore after what almost happened because you didn't have the balls to step up to your little council?" He watched Ares carefully to make sure he didn't get angry. She had overheard Ares giving Jack a speech on being more careful with his power. 

Jack had told him Ares was just helping him, that he meant nothing by it but she was already hot tempered from her eggs somehow not tasting right this morning. He watched Ares watch her before raising a paw to show surrender. 

"I'm sorry, Nat. I wasn't meaning to come across wrongly with him. I just wanted to give him some advice, he was having trouble on his powers mixing." He watched her literally growl before throwing her hands up. 

Sam couldn't help but laugh when Ares pulled a chocolate bar from his pouch to give her. 

"What the hell are you laughing at!" He coughed before trying to look innocent. He glanced at Ares to find the man grinning at the woman who was chewing the bar but now yelling at him. 


"Jackie, how do I do this?" Jack looked down as Elliot held out the blocks. North had threw out Legos and building blocks to distract the elves for the day but ended up catching the kits as well. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now