Family Talk

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Jack takes Roy's advice.  

He decides it's time for a family talk. 

This is a bonding moment between Jack and all the family :)


"Get on with it, brat. You know just as well as I do Bunny can sense you here." Jack clenched his jaw as he looked at the entrance to the tunnel that he was kneeling in front of. He hadn't been back in two and a half weeks. He looked at the bright green tunnels that he hadn't seen in so long. It was emotional to see them. He bowed his head to keep them in check before standing up. It was time. 

"You are so dramatic." 

"And you are annoying." Jack mumbled back to Roy. He wouldn't admit it, but he was happy to have him with him. It was nice to never be alone anymore. 

"Yet I'm still here." He heard the sarcasm in the man's voice before he took flight into the tunnel. He felt Roy leave as he put himself further into the necklace so he wouldn't hear the conversation. 

Bunny was twitching. He was holding in the urge to run to the tunnel he could sense his kit standing at. He looked at Lily who was just smiling at him. She couldn't sense him but she could tell he was near because of how Aster was acting. It had been so long since any of them had seen him in the Warren. 

She felt the chill in the air as he landed a little ways away from them. He was only looking at Bunny. She felt Eleanor walk up beside her as they all waited to see what was going to happen. 

"Hey, Bunny." Liam flinched for his brother. Jack didn't call him Dad, it was just his name for right now. That meant the boy was in a serious mood where he was making the conversation on equal terms. He saw Aster take a deep breath before nodding. 

"Hey, frostbite." Ridley watched Jack's breath stutter. He was rubbing the snowflake charm on his wrist as he watched the exchange. It was awkward, tense, and hurtful. They weren't acting like father and son right now. It was back to the beginning. 

"I think we should talk...all of us. What do you think?" Jack waited for Bunny's answer. He was ignoring the pain in his Dad's eyes to try to keep this serious. He saw everyone nod out of the corner of his eye. He went to head towards the house but stopped when he saw the little rabbit coming for him. A sense of calm went over him at Elliot running full force to him. 

"We'll talk tonight. Go play with him." Ares took control of the conversation. He watched Jack look at him before looking back towards the kit. He didn't have time to do anything else as Elliot jumped him. Ares smiled a little at the sight of Jack letting Elliot tackle him to the ground. He watched them take off before looking at Aster. 

His son was watching Jack run away with Elliot with his ears bent back. He knew this was hard on him. He looked to Lily who was just watching Bunny. His other two sons, one was staring into space messing with the charm while the other one was just picking at the grass. Eleanor was watching him. 

"He's the glue that held us all together." Liam whispered into the grass before turning around to go back to the gardens. He needed a distraction until Jack was ready to talk. 

"What was it like?" Liam looked at Jack from his workspace. He was trying new herbs of medicine for humans to help Jack.

"What was what like?" Jack flipped his staff to the left and right before glancing at him. 

"Your homeland. What was it like? Bunny never really went into detail about it." Liam looked through the window at all the kits playing in the middle of the Burrow. His mind went back to their old home but he shook it away. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now