Wrongly Defensive

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These are times Jack gets defensive over one of his friends when they are upset. However, he's slowly losing more and more control until he snaps on the wrong person. Something horrible happens because of it...

There will be two parts to this one. 



Jack tapped his fingers along his staff as he stared up at the sky. The moon was covered by clouds so there was no conversation there. He wasn't in the mood for anyone else. There was something wrong with him because he didn't want to be around anyone. He felt like something was missing again. 

"Boo hoo." He rolled his eyes with a groan as Roy broke the silence. He stood up from the tree limb before taking to the air. Who could he go see right now? He had spent all week with the other Seasonals, he had spent the last weekend at the Pole. He didn't feel like seeing the double team of sand weavers. 

"Go see the fairy. He seemed down last time we saw him." Jack smiled as he flew. 

"Aww, you do care." 

"Shut up, brat." 

He made his way to the Tooth Palace but not the main part. He made his way to the side where a new home had been formed. He knocked on the door and waited for the fairy. He heard movement before the door opened. Jack blinked at the sight before him, Callahan's eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying. 

"What's wrong, Cal?" He shook his head like he couldn't talk. Jack pulled him inside before moving them to the couch. He frowned as Cal just leaned into him without saying anything. They stayed there for a while before he started speaking. 

"I was at Mother Nature's castle. We had been having one of those dinner's a-and it was after when everyone was going to their rooms. I was helping Marcus up be-because he was drunk and I passed by Katie's room. Her door was cracked open and both me and Marcus got to see Denver and her just in time before they started undressing." 

Jack felt himself chill. Denver had been making small moves like he wanted Callahan to forgive him for so long and now he went and did this? Jack wanted to kick his ass. He held the fairy closer as the body shakes started happening again. 

"I shouldn't be upset. I shouldn't be sad about this, we are over, we've been over for decades and decades. But now he has the nerve to come back and be all sweet and forgive me shit yet he's getting it on with Katie." 

Jack went to say something but Callahan cut him off. 

"I'm not upset that it's Katie, I wouldn't be upset if it was Marcus or anyone else. I'm upset that it's not me . I should be the one he holds but...he left me. Why did he leave me?" Jack sucked in a deep breath when he smelled it. Alcohol. Callahan was drunk off his ass. Jack held him as he rambled about moments him and Denver had, details he didn't want to know about the two, the day Denver left him. He let him cry all over him until he passed out. 

Jack laid him down on the couch before covering him with a blanket. He gripped his staff before turning to the door. This was the final straw. He had held Denver and Callahan on separate occasions about each other. 

"If you're about to fight Denver, you're gonna need to pray he isn't naked with her." Jack scoffed as he walked up the stairs to the rooms in Seraphina's castle. He wasn't in the mood. 

"I've seen people naked before, nothing I've never seen before." Roy let out a snort as he watched Jack storm up to the door before busting it open. He laughed as he saw Denver and Katie yell out. They were definitely in the middle of something as the door banged against the wall. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now