Swapping Places

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A request from Christopher914 . What if Jack and someone else switched genders after a spell gone wrong? It was supposed to be how protective will his family get, and I apologize for changing it up, but I thought about the idea of how a certain seasonal would act. 

google translate will be used so I apologize if it's translated wrong.


"Okay so what is it this is supposed to do?" Jack shrugged his shoulders at April's question. He didn't really know what any of this did. This wasn't North's spell closet they were all in Mother Nature's castle and Jack had found the spell closet. They had only a little time before having to head to the Pole. 

"Hell if I know, your guess is as good as mine." April picked up a vial of something orange before placing it back in it's spot. There were so many things in here that didn't make sense. They walked down the halls of the room. 

April picked up a weird rope that had a knot on each end. She smiled before lightly hitting Jack with it. He glared at her before he reached out to yank it back from her but when he grabbed the ending knot a light lit in the middle. Jack's eyes widened as he tried to pull his hand back but it was like their hands were stuck to the rope.

"Oh shi-" The light covered them before Jack's words could finish. It all went away after a few minutes. 

They both went quite as they stared at each other. Neither of them really knew what to say now that the light had faded and they could see each other. There was a mirror across the room that neither of them had looked in yet. Jack could see April and April could see Jack but they couldn't see themselves. 

"I don't want to look."  

"You know we are going to have to."


"Jack...you have-" 


"But Jack-" 

"I don't want to know." 

"On the count of three we look, okay?" 


Both of them counted out loud before turning sharply towards the mirror. 

"I'm a hot guy." 


"What tell me I'm wrong? If it makes you feel any better, you're a very hot girl." 

Jack felt his face go red as he brought his hands up to his face. The spell had apparently switched their bodies and appearances. 

April's looks and voice were now on Jack's body and Jack's looks and voice were on April's body. 

The long hair in French braids were no longer April's blonde hair, it was now white. 

The short hair cut that usually stuck up with style was no longer Jack's white, it was blonde. 

"I don't like how you kept my curves though, that's my best asset." 

"April, I swear to god, I will kick your ass." He pulled the shirt April wore closer to his chest so it would cover the things he now had. He hated the tight shirt she was wearing it pushed the...things. 

"Give me my hoodie." 

"Gladly, I can walk around shirtless with no care in the world. No one can tell me any differently cause I have a male body now." 

"I am so glad you are finding light in this situation, really I am." April laughed as she looked in the mirror, fixing the hair while taking in the lean male body she was now in. 

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