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I was sent in a request by a Taylor Swift fan (which I am too), she expressed the she believes Emily & Pitch could relate to "Mastermind". I kid you not, I sat there and realized that my background idea for them fits it perfectly. So here is my attempt to make it work.

I won't be putting the whole song, just certain parts. 

*also Speak Now (Taylor's Version) is being released on July 7th. It was announced last night. I went downright batshit. 


Once upon a time, the planets and the fates
And all the stars aligned
You and I ended up in the same room
At the same time

"We aren't supposed to be here!" Emily rolled her eyes at Silas' voice. Her friend never liked being a rebel. She looked around the room at the fine dressed people. He was right, they weren't supposed to be here. They didn't belong here. The dress she was wearing was stolen. 

She was only the town nurse. She had stolen the dress from the High Lady she cared for weeks ago when the woman had the cold. It was rare a small town nurse like her got called to care for such a prominent figure in their society. She took it as fate. 

They had snuck into the ball of the lords. It was to celebrate before the Golden War, a send off party for the Warriors that would travel to the plant that held the Pookas. She wanted to see just who was being shipped off. 

"We'll leave just as soon they announce who all is leaving, quit being a whiny baby." She watched him roll his eyes before he stormed off, his waiter suit tails moving behind him. She watched the dancing start as the men and women spun around. One day, she'd spin around with someone. She'd find the one to take her hand and dance with her-

Her eyes met the sight of a man standing on the other side of the room. He stood taller than the others around him, his face completely blank of any emotions. Emily was not afraid to admit that she looked him up and down. She was no better than a man. 

His skin was the right amount of tan, his eyes a beautiful honey color, and his hair looked so soft. She stood in a room she didn't belong in, taking in the sight of the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. 

And she wanted him. 

And the touch of a hand lit the fuse
Of a chain reaction of countermoves
To assess the equation of you
Checkmate, I couldn't lose

"They are partying to cart us off to war. It's ridiculous is what it is." Pitch imagined taking the glass he had in hand and breaking it against the man's head who had not stopped complaining all night. He had not shut up. He was here to go to war just like the rest of them but was complaining that he was here. Did his mother send him or something?

He leaned against the pillar of the mansion they were in. Pitch watched as the couples danced around in happiness as if there wasn't a planet being destroyed right now, full of happy people. He knew his sympathy towards the Pookan race was not shared. He knew that some of these men were signing up to fight but to also stare at the Pookas like a circus act. 

Pitch went to reach for another glass on the waiter's plate walking by but was run into by a smaller figure. 

"Oh my, I-I am so sorry." He looked to met a pair of bright brown eyes. He found that he couldn't look away once they met his. The girl was dressed in a black dress that matched her body perfectly. He slowly followed the pattern back up to the face. He could tell she didn't belong here. 

The girl had a good mask on. One that was fooling everyone else. He took in the slight shake in her hands and the pale look hidden behind her makeup. However, he couldn't find a single flaw to her. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now