Sophie Bennett

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A request from Christopher914 with a chapter with Sophie in it. So I've put together a way where it'll be a chapter between Sophie and Bunny. I'd love to do it with Jack but I think we all remember from the movie she bonded with Bunny throughout her screen time. 

Y'all gonna come for me for the ending of this one... but if you like it enough I'll recreate this chapter for Jamie and Jack... get the tissues ready.

These will be little moments that somehow Bunny and Sophie find each other again and again throughout time.


A Long Time Ago

Bunny stood next to Jack as they both watched the young girl pack up her car. She was talking to her Mom rapidly about what she was going to do once she got to where she was going. The two of them had been through this before only a few years ago with a certain teenage boy. The same amount of tears were shared then too. 

He watched 18 year old Sophie Bennett hug her Mom once last time before heading towards the woods. She had told her Mom she wanted to visit the ice pond one more time before leaving Burgess to go to college. He smiled as she took one step into the wood line before colliding with Jack in a big hug. 

He stepped back to allow the two to say their own goodbyes as he looked back to the house. He could see the Bennett parents looking at Sophie's car one last time while wiping tears. He wondered what it felt like to send a child away to college. Did it feel like how he felt every time Jack went away for winter seasons? 

"Bunny?" He looked to the small girl infront of him as memories of her growing up with him flashed through his mind. He looked around to find Jack gone to hide his emotions before he pulled Sophie into a hug. The past few years had been some of the best with Jack and the Burgess kids in his life. Jamie and the group had their goodbyes a few years ago as they all left to find their own life. 

"I'm gonna miss you, kid." 

"I'll miss you too, Bunny." He pulled her back before putting both hands on her shoulders. He watched with pride as his little believer lifted her chin in confidence and hope that he taught her. This was like sending away his own kit. 

"What are the dreams you're gonna chase?" He had asked Jamie this same question. He wanted them to remember what they were leaving here for. He knew Pippa and Cupcake left without knowing, they just wanted to live. The twins wanted to become inventors of their own businesses they just didn't know what for yet. Jamie wanted to be a storyteller, he just needed to find out how. 

"I want to become a big time artist, I want to become something big in the world. I want a big family full of fun and hope that can keep me going for years. I want to find a good man who loves the same things I do after I make it big." 

Bunny smiled as she talked with light in her eyes. 

"I want to live so well that I have many people left to remember me while I'm gone, so that I have many to wait for on the other side. I want so many people in my life that when I die, they all gather enough to fill a yard. When I die, I want my ashes spread across the world. I've left a note for whoever I find in life to make sure you and Jack are told." 

Bunny swallowed before nodding in a silent promise. He wanted all of Sophie Bennett's dreams to come true. 

"I dream to live, Bunny. That's my only dream." 

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