The Night

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There will be two song chapters today, I hope you guys don't mind but there may be a chance I don't have time to post tomorrow so it will be two today :)

A angst song for a couple that is in pain. I wish I could tell you that they will be happy soon but I think an evil part of all of us like seeing a couple in pain...

The song always gets me, I don't know about anyone else, so who's going to survive without tears? Not me. 

The Night We Met - Lord Huron


I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met

He watched it happen with a smile. Denver watched Callahan playing with some of the kits as they waited on Ridley to come with them. He bit the inside of his cheek as he felt pain go through him from the sound of the fairies laugh. He had no right to hurt the way he did, it was him who ruined everything. 

He ran from the feeling he felt for Callahan and it changed everything. They ignored what was between them at all costs so it wouldn't affect everything around them. He knew Jack knew what had gone on between them but no one else did. He didn't know what to do. Denver had tried to find a different path to take with someone else...

It didn't work. He wasn't Callahan. She wasn't Callahan either. He had tried but there was no other way to find anything when the biggest part of him still loved the fairy. 

He didn't realize he was staring until the bright purple color met his eyes. He held his breath as Callahan slowly lost the smile he had with the kits while his jaw clenched. He watched him bow his head before he turned to follow the little ones. 

Denver wished he could go back to the day they met.

And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you

Callahan held the bow steady as he took in a slow breath. He focused in on the target before releasing the arrow. It hit right beside the middle. He gripped the bow tighter in anger, he couldn't focus. A cold blast hit him from the side as he saw Jack land. The boy was still sick and it was obvious he was because he wouldn't listen and relax. 

"Go home, Jack. You're still sick." 

"No. Not when I know you're out here alone." Callahan shook his head before getting another arrow ready. He didn't want to think, he didn't want to listen, he didn't want anything. He wanted to be alone. He wished he could be alone for just a little while so he could forget what he was missing so bad. 

"Hello." He jumped, turning around. There was a golden boy. Literally. Golden. He was gold? Callahan couldn't help but stare as the boy seemed to be floating before landing infront of him. The boy looked around his age as he tilted his head, almost like a puppy. It was cute.

"Hi?" Denver looked the new guy up and down. His bright violet eyes were very hard not to get lost in. His wings were beautiful, bigger than any other fairy he'd seen. He looked him over before smiling. It had been a while since he saw anyone. The Pooka's had made their own world on the other side. He held out his hand.

"I'm Denver." Callahan slowly took the hand of the cute boy in front of him.


He shot the bow, the arrow going completely away from where he aimed. He went to throw the bow but was stopped when a cold hand grabbed his. He turned to the boy as he took in a deep breath to try to stop the burn in his eyes. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now