Four Hours

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since this chapter does include Cypress, I have gotten the help of my friend to help me write in the point of view of someone who is undefined with they/them pronouns. Please tell me if I write Cypress right, if I don't please tell me what to change so I know. I want to be as respectful as possible. 

I don't think this was my best writing but I couldn't keep deleting and re-writing or else I'd never get it posted. My reason for being gone so long is at the bottom but please enjoy the chapter before hearing what's been going on with me.


Marcus had chewed down all of his nails as he watched Cypress practically take command of the room. He had gotten there late. The wind was against him for some reason, against him long enough to get there in time to see Nicky and Alex standing with the siren as they explained just how he they Jack. Their bond with Jack. How they held the power of some of the strongest fearlings that went rogue. 

"Don't worry, I'll give you time to process this." Marcus bit into his finger to keep from laughing. The sarcasm coming from them was astounding. Everyone was in shock at the siren. He had a feeling Cypress didn't even realize the effect they were having on the room. No one knew they existed except for Jack, but yet here they were standing in the flesh in front of everyone. 

"So this siren shows up, and we are supposed to just trust him! He didn't even exist until -" 

"They. Not him." Everyone turned to him. Marcus felt the back of his neck turn red at the attention, but he kept a blank look on his face. He glanced at Cypress to see them giving him a curious look. He quickly looked away. He saw Katie nod in a sign that she was fixing her mistake in her head. Their world was a lot more accepting than the human world when it came to this. 

"I apologize, Cypress. I didn't know." He watched them accept Katie's apology before speaking up again.

"Aster, Jack's first room had a nightlight. One of a horse." Marcus turned to see Bunny stand straighter than he had in days. He could see the other Guardians didn't know that. He had a feeling that was a secret that was only told between Jack and Bunny. It was a sign that Jack truly trusted them. 

"They can be trusted." He let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Thank God. He looked around the room as everyone slowly accepted the information in front of them. 

"Who the hell are you?" Marcus quickly turned to see his best friend standing in the doorway of the Globe room. Archie looked like he had been through hell and back now. His eyes were bloodshot, his skin pale, and his hair matted. He hadn't showered in days. He hadn't changed. He was dying without Jack. 

Archie looked at the siren standing in front of him. He was bluffing on not knowing who they were. He had been standing outside the doors to listen in. He wasn't ready to face anyone after the decision he had made with Death, both of them accepting their jobs if the time came. He could see them analyzing him. 

"Don't offend me by playing dumb, Archie. I felt the moment you stepped towards the doors." Cypress looked away from him. He didn't even flinch as his own magic went through the ground, another vine covering the side of the pole. He watched as they looked out the window. What were they thinking of seeing his magic? 

"Would Jack want you acting like this?" He flinched, the rest of the room filled with gasps and jaws dropping. No one had confronted that subject on what Jack would be thinking about seeing Archie destroy the area around the Pole like this. What he would think about what Archie did to the patch of land in the midwest with his magic, scaring the neighboring children.

"What the fuck did you say to me?" He watched the siren turn to him. Archie stood at six foot on the dot, he had never been intimidated by someone's height. Aster was tall. Pitch was tall. Cypress was taller. He was taller than all of them. Yet, he couldn't find it in himself to be intimidated. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now