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Lily makes a mistake by pushing the limits of Jack to far after he comes back from a sleepover....

Angst :))

The next chapter will be fluff and happy though, I promise. 


Bunny was watching. He was watching as Jack just stared at Lily. They were at the kitchen table.

"So you just decided to lie about where you were and thought that was okay!" Lily yelled. She was giving Jack hell after they had found out where he was for the past two nights instead of with Sam and Natasha like he had said he was. 

"Sam knew where I was." 

"That doesn't count! You didn't tell us, we are the ones who really need to know. We are your parents!" Jack's eyes narrowed for a second before he calmed back down. Bunny wasn't saying anything. He saw the way his wife and son were staring each other down and decided to stand back from this one. He didn't know who to side with. 

"Nothing happened to me. I've felt fine for the past few days. Someone knew where I was. I just fell asleep there, it wasn't my fault." Lily threw her hands up before turning around to hold the counter. Her instincts were running to say more, to get on to him more, but the side of her who knew that would do nothing was holding her back. She glanced to Aster who was just watching from the door way. 

"Well aren't you going to say anything to your son?" Bunny blinked before looking at Jack. He saw the blank look on his kit's face which gave away that this was affecting him more than he was letting on. He didn't have time to say anything before Lily kept going. 

"Do you have anything to say about him going off and spending the night with the girl AND guy he's kissed within the past two months?" Bunny ran his paw over his ears before looking back at Jack. His son just watched him. 

He didn't know how to stop the explosion that was coming and it scared him. Jack's walls were building up, he could feel something coming. 


Two Nights Before:

"Oh my god, I can't do anymore." 

Everyone laughed as they all fell into the soft grass of Sera's fields. It was all of them; Jack, Marcus, Archie, Crystal, April, Stray, and Noah. They had been helping each other all day with each season that needed help. They all knew Jack was breaking a rule to stay the night with them and it made them all happy.

"Get off of me." 

"No." Jack groaned as Archie laid on his stomach and April put her head on his shoulder. He just laid there staring at the sky as they rested. He had asked Sam if he could cover for him tonight as he stayed somewhere else and the man said yes. He closed his eyes at someone's hand running through his hair. 

Marcus smiled as his friend leaned into his hand. He knew this was something Jack liked despite not liking physical attention from some people. He looked over as Crystal laid her head beside Jack's other shoulder. They were all surrounding him as he was their center. It was common knowledge that now he was their glue. 

The way Archie was laying in between Jack's legs with his head on his stomach would make Lily's head explode but all of them knew it wasn't like that. Archie did still have a crush on Jack but he pushed it to the side. He was just laying there to soak in the cold. They had been working in Marcus's side of the world for the last part of the day. 

"I love you guys but we are never doing this again." Everyone laughed at Jack's words. Stray had an idea that all of them would help each other with their seasons for one day. It became obvious that they were only meant for their season. 

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