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Another anonymous inbox request. No one else other than the Guardians know where Jack's past family is buried at, he's never told them. He's never really planned to. One day the Seasonals decide to go look for him but end up finding nothing. 

Except for one :)

Get ready for some fluff content guys.


This was a week Jack usually disappeared. None of the Seasonals had ever really cared until recent years but it never felt really wrong until this year. A bad feeling was covering everyone, making them all grumpy. They all wanted to find Jack this year.

"But where is he, Aster? We just want to talk to him!" Katie basically stomped her foot in aggravation. No one knew where Jack was and they didn't seem to be worried at all despite him being found no where. It had been two days already.

"Katie, he is fine. I know where he is and there is nothing to worry about. Now please go about your day." Bunny was just as aggravated as she was. He had hoped Jack would give them something to go off so the whole Seasonal group didn't go hunting for him today but the kid forgot. Today was usually a "season day" as Jack called it where all of them got together at Mother Nature's castle and just had a day together. 

"He's fine. He'll be back by Friday, he can explain then. Just leave it be." 

"We're going to ask Sam since you're no help." 

Bunny groaned as all of them walked away except one. He looked up to find Archie just staring at him. His back tensed at the look those green eyes held, he knew this boy was in love with his son. Jack had told him that if Archie asked to tell him but only if he asked. Bunny knew that was Jack's way of seeing what would happen if he left for a while ever since their moments started happening. 

"Don't tell me where he's at." Bunny raised his eyebrow as a concentrated look came on Archie's face. 

"Why not?" Archie took in a deep breath before looking around with his face to the wind. 

"Because I'll find him myself. Jack is playing hide and seek is he not? That's why only you and Pitch know where he's at. Because you know where the hiding spot is. I'm gonna find him myself." 

Aster watched as Archie went the opposite way than anyone else. Jack had made finding him into hide and seek, the Guardian's made it into that the year they got curious. Bunny had been the one to find him at an unmarked graveyard deep in the Burgess woods where the town used to stand before it was moved over. 

"You know, if he finds him then he's the one for Jack." He sighed at Charlie's words before he turned to look at the man. 

"I know. And that's what terrifies me. Nothing scares Jack more than realizing someone loves him this much. He'll run away from everything once it sets in." 


Archie had been everywhere. It was already Thursday now. He had been to at least every continent looking for the chill Jack brought to the area. He had been to everyone that the other's hadn't gone to. He still couldn't find him. Part of him wanted to go back and search the whole Warren but he knew it would be useless, if Jack was there he would've known. 

He hovered above the small town of Burgess. This was his last stop before he went to ask Bunny. He slowly flew over every corner of town before giving up. He took off South to head back to the Warren but the wind caught under his feet, not his wind. Jack. He turned around to follow the feeling but it went away. 

It was teasing him. 

He kept his foot in the direction the wind first touched to find it pointing to the woods on the side of Burgess. There was nothing there but woods. He frowned, there should be nothing out there for Jack to do or see. He had heard so many stories about Burgess from back when Jack, Nick, and Andy were alive but he-

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