I'd Choose You

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The aftermath of everything. Bunny and Jack moment. 

I took sometime away from writing and just everything for a while but I'm trying to come back. I hope you guys haven't given up on this story. 

It's going to be a little short chapter but that's because it's a moment between Jack and Bunny. 

If there are any of you from Ukraine or Russia or the surrounding close areas, just know I am thinking of you and praying that everything will be okay for you <3


They had returned from the moon for two weeks now and Jack still hasn't spoken to him. He watched Jack pick at the edge of his hoodie sleeves as he ignored Callahan talking to him. His kit hadn't been the same and he hated it. He hated that Jack wouldn't look at him. They had a moment right after they woke up but then Jack ran. He ran off with Alex, Nicky, and Thea. When he came back, he was staying with Natasha and Sam. 

"Bunny, do you hear me?" He looked to North who was doing a health exam on him. He had used all of his energy on keep Jack alive so now it was time for him to be looked over. He didn't trust himself around his tribe. He nodded as the russian told him to take it easy for the rest of the week. 

He saw Jack glance at him before wincing and then walking away. He frowned before decided enough was enough. He got off the bed before going to walk to where Jack was leaving when a small hand stopped him. He turned to find Natasha. She gave him a look that he didn't understand before looking in the boy's direction then back at him. 

"He's hurting just as much as you are. You can't rush him with attention immediately once you corner him. He honestly thought you had given up on him through his pain. He's been killing himself staying away from you. There's something eating at him that he won't say. Be prepared for that. You are his father but for a split second you were the Pooka who hated him all those years ago." 

He swallowed down the pain at the last sentence. He didn't like looking that far into the past to the time before he knew Jack Frost as the Guardian but instead as the boy who ruined his Easter's and played pranks on him. He nodded before walking past her, ignoring North trying to get him to stop. He smiled a little at Natasha snapping on him. She had been more emotional the more her pregnancy went on. 

Bunny walked the halls, following the scent of Jack before making his way to his own old room. He didn't know Jack had been staying in the old guest room that was made for him by North centuries ago. He walked up to the door to find it cracked open. Jack was sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs crossed in front of him. A part of him wanted to smile at the fact that Jack knew he would follow him. 

"Are you going to come in or are you going to keep staring at me?" He rolled his eyes before walking in. He hated the way Jack tracked him through the room like they where back to the past. To the times where Jack didn't trust him around each other alone. He sat down in the chair that was next to the bed before looking at his son. 

Jack had dark circles under his eyes. He looked smaller this way, thinner and sicker. He knew from Natasha that Jack had been snapping at everyone who would come around except for her. She had told him that Sam would spar with him in the backyard to keep him from freezing the house with his emotions. 

"What do you want, Bunny?" The flinch went through his whole body before he saw Jack wince as well. 

"I want to talk without you acting like you hate me." Jack bit his lip before glaring at his hands. Didn't Bunny understand? He was doing this to prepare both of them for when Bunny chose the tribe over him. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now