Nowhere yet Everywhere

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I'm sorry guys I've been busy with trying to get back on track which is no excuse. Is it bad that I haven't touched my online classes in 3 days? 

So this is the next part, we get to see where the kids are taken to help Jack come back. I know you may wanna see more of Nick and Alex but what about seeing Thea's full point of view? I think I like that one :)

The memories that she goes through will change with the ----- in between them but I don't want to indicate which age or year or anything, I'm just letting them flow if that makes sense. Thea's going to see memories no one else knows about. 

There's parts of Thea that I'm going to vent through if that's okay...


"Сукин сын" Thea rubbed her hip as she sat up from where she fell. She looked around to find herself in the yard of a small cabin. She frowned before looking around quicker.

(son of a bitch) 

"Alex? Nicky?" No one was around. She quickly sat up to find her brother and their new friend but found nothing. She went to look in the woods but there was a noise behind her that stopped her. 

"Get away from me!"  Thea jumped at the small voice of the young boy running from the house. There was an older man coming after him with a belt as she watched. Her eyes focused in on how the young boy looked. She could easily see the features who it was. He ran behind a tree while the older man stumbled in a drunk haze. 

She watched him look around but the man found nothing. Jack was shaking behind the tree trunk while waiting for the man to leave. She heard a woman's voice telling him to come back inside as the man went back inside, leaving Jack outside. He slowly slid down the trunk as she watched him cry. 

He had to be at least 8 years old. She chewed on her finger nail, not sure what to do. Was this what the moon man was talking about? Was this what she was supposed to be looking for? She watched as little Jack stood up and walked away from the house, her steps following him. He walked to what looked like the middle of town to find him meeting up with two other boys. 

"Jack! Are you ready for the Easter egg hunt on Sunday?" She watched him laugh and smile after answering the question. They all played in the middle of town as she watched. It didn't seem to be taking her anywhere and she didn't know what to do so she watched. It was annoying to see the sun go down because she knew he'd be going back to that house with the man. 

Thea turned her head away from the sight of the fighting. She didn't hold back the tears because there was no one around to see her cry. 


Her body was tense as she watched Jack and his mother fall into the corner. The man was taking things to far and now they were about to die. She couldn't do anything but cry to herself, not knowing what came next. She flinched at the sound of a gun shot as the man fell. Nick and Andy stood holding the gun that killed off the abusive man. 

Thea watched as they all bonded together over it. She watched Jack's real father come into their lives as everything went normal for them. She watched as life went easy for Jack and was happy for him. She was happy for the other kids too since they were so content with their friend being happy. 

Her heart broke as Nick was announced missing and knew what happened. She watched Jack and Andy live through the fear of the man hunting them like a Criminal Mind's episode she had finished last week. It was sickening. She didn't know how to process this as she braided the ends of her hair. 

Where was Alex and Nicky? She needed them to understand what was happening. Then again, she didn't want her little brother to see the violence Jack went through at his age. Her brain was not processing things like it should be. She may be seventeen but this was just to much to handle for her. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now